Would you like to invite a leading researcher from abroad for a sabbatical? Winners of Humboldt Research Awards and Bessel Research Awards receive an award sum and are also invited to conduct a research project of their choice at a research institution in Germany in cooperation with specialist colleagues there. Research stays are typically between six months and a full year in total, with the flexibility to split the stay into multiple visits. We also offer support for accompanying family members. The Humboldt Foundation particularly encourages the nomination of female academics and of individuals from other currently underrepresented groups.
If you would like to learn more about the award programmes of the Humboldt Foundation, come to our online event and get information on the programme and the application process from us directly.
Zoom Link: https://avh-de.zoom.us/j/67698574648?pwd=MjA5TU9lc21QNDFiT1FKbmFidXp1dz09
You do not need to register for this event. Please do not hesitate to contact our advisory team (Mr Christian Langer, christian.langer[at]avh.de) if you have any questions in advance!
Humboldt Discoveries is a series of events offering potential sponsorship recipients, hosts and those interested the opportunity to get specific information about the Humboldt Foundation’s various programmes. Proven experts present the respective programmes and answer questions. Current sponsorship recipients and alumni report on their experiences.