132 search results for „*“

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Oskar Hallatschek

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2021 Oskar Hallatschek At the University of Leipzig, Hallatschek is set to drive development in the interdisciplinary research hub for quantitative eco-evolutionar

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Oskar Hallatschek

Thorsten Wagener

With research institutes such as PIK (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) and GFZ (German Research Centre for Geosciences), Potsdam already provides a unique research infrastructure for climate and environmental topics. Here, Thorsten Wagener is set to play key role as a Humboldt Professor. The University of Potsdam is thus striving to join the international vanguard of water research. It is planning a new Potsdam Research Cluster for Water, Environment and Society as a global hub for research, innovation and teaching to secure water supplies under changing (climatic) conditions.

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Thorsten Wagener