No. 110/2019

5 HUMBOLDT KOSMOS 110/2019 Photos: Humboldt Foundation/David Späth, Robert Bartholot, Jörg Scheibe 30 FOCUS 12 Typical! Germany from the outside Model student with the odd blip. What impresses inter- national visiting researchers about Germany and its inhabitants – and what doesn’t. 30 CLOSE UP ON RESEARCH Witches, fashion fiends and cabinets of curiosities 34 THE FACES OF THE FOUNDATION A who’s who of the people behind the scenes at the Humboldt Foundation 12 FOCUS ONLINE Facts and figures on the survey Germany from the outside kosmos-en IMPRINT  HUMBOLDT KOSMOS 110 PUBLISHER Alexander von Humboldt Foundation EDITOR IN CHIEF Georg Scholl (responsible), Mareike Ilsemann EDITORS Kristina Güroff, Ulla Hecken, Lena Schnabel ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS Dr Lynda Lich-Knight PRODUCTION & GRAPHICS Raufeld Medien GmbH Nina Koch (Project Management), Daniel Krüger (Creative Direction), Carolin Kastner (Art Direction) FREQUENCY twice a year CIRCULATION OF THE ISSUE 42,000 PRINTER WM Druck + Verlag, Rheinbach ADDRESS Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Redaktion Humboldt kosmos Jean-Paul-Straße 12, 53173 Bonn, Germany , ISSN 0344-0354