Dear reader,

“Let’s keep our society open and defend ourselves against attacks on democracy and the rule of law.” Exchange and understanding are important for social cohesion. They are also part of the Humboldt Foundation’s DNA, according to the Foundation’s President Robert Schlögl in a statement explicitly condemning right-wing extremism and racism.

We are convinced that the urgent problems of our time can only be solved by international cooperation. Through the Georg Forster Research Sponsorship Programme we therefore support collaborations between academics from developing and transition countries and researchers working in Germany. A new evaluation demonstrates the success of the programme.

He always campaigned for academic exchange – even in turbulent times: with this newsletter we say goodbye to our Secretary General, Enno Aufderheide, who led the Humboldt Foundation with foresight and great empathy for the interests of the researchers in the network for 14 years. Mr Aufderheide – we shall miss you!

Secretary General of the Humboldt Foundation retires

After 14 successful years, Enno Aufderheide left the Foundation at the end of March. His warmth, his commitment to the Foundation and the Humboldt Family and his open ear for the employees will be missed.

Humboldt Foundation campaigns for democracy, human rights and openness

With a statement by President Robert Schlögl, the foundation is sending out a signal against political extremism and racism. International research funding makes a significant contribution to diverse and open societies.

Sustainable Futures: The Humboldt Colloquium in San Francisco

From February 29 to March 2, more than 100 alumni of the Foundation gathered in San Francisco to discuss visions for a sustainable future with partners from politics and science from around the world.

Call: How to communicate your research effectively

Twenty researchers, twenty journalists, four days in Berlin: Humboldt Fellows and alumni can still apply for the next Communication Lab until 15 May! The topic: Contested Freedom – from Migration to AI and the Climate Crisis.

Ten years of German Research Chairs for Mathematics in Africa

Congratulations on the anniversary at the Siyakhula Festival in South Africa, amongst others, from Sabine Döring, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Dossier Artificial Intelligence

The Humboldt Foundation sponsors cutting-edge research in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Find out more about our AI experts and how we manage generative AI in the selection department.

Evaluation: Georg Forster Research Sponsorship Programmes

The Georg Forster Programme funds research collaborations between academics from developing and transition countries and researchers in Germany – with great success. The programme has recently been evaluated, you can read the results here.

Online information events – How to become part of the Humboldt Network

Humboldt Discoveries is a series of events for applicants, hosts and nominators. Join us online and get all the information you need about the Foundation’s programmes. Next event: On 9 April, experts will answer your questions on the Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship!

For more exciting stories and news from the Humboldt Network, visit our Newsroom!

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Jean-Paul-Str. 12
53173 Bonn

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Kristine Logemann
Lisa Purzitza
Stefan Wünsche

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