Dear reader,

Science should make its expertise available to society – this conviction of the Humboldt Foundation served as the point of departure for the first Humboldt Academia in Society Summit which the Foundation recently launched with the aim of generating new ideas and impetus for current debates and challenges. The discussions at future Summits revolve around a different topic every year, having started with "Artificial Intelligence": Leading AI researchers and actors from the political sector, the arts, non-profit organisations and civil society gathered in Berlin and discussed what kind of AI we want in order to make our lives better and help us master the enormous challenges that will be facing us in the future.

Under the motto #AvHTogether, more than 600 members of the worldwide Humboldt Family were able to meet in person in Berlin and share information and experiences face-to-face at this year’s Annual Meeting in June. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier welcomed the Humboldtians in the park at his official residence Schloss Bellevue and called upon the participants in his address to raise their voices against those who disparage common sense and freedom and to send a signal against violence and misanthropy.

In this newsletter you can also find out who will be taking up the reins as the new president of the Humboldt Foundation next year, explore the findings of a study on the international mobility of female researchers and learn what four of our 100 Humboldt Professors have to report on their experiences.

We wish you interesting reading!

Inclusive and sustainable: together for the AI of tomorrow

On 21 June, leading AI researchers and civil society actors met at the Humboldt Academia in Society Summit in Berlin to discuss the future of artificial intelligence.

“Putin’s war will not paralyse us”: Federal President Steinmeier at the Humboldt Foundation’s Annual Meeting

Following a long break, it was finally possible to once again hold the Annual Meeting of the Humboldt Foundation in person: More than 600 researchers from throughout the world had the opportunity this year to gather in Berlin.

The chemist Robert Schlögl to be new president of the Humboldt Foundation

Robert Schlögl, Director at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, and at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion in Mülheim an der Ruhr, will take office on 1 January 2023.

Fellowship for prospective leaders

Are you a graduate with initial leadership experience? Do you come from Brazil, China, India, South Africa or the USA? Apply for a German Chancellor Fellowship and conduct your own project in Germany. Deadline: 15 October.

A Boost for Germany as a Science Base

With an endowment of €5 million, the Humboldt Professorship was granted to researchers from abroad for the first time in 2009. More than 100 Humboldt Professors are now working at German universities – four of them report on their experiences.

Access, barriers and potential: Study on the international mobility of women scholars and scientists

The Humboldt Foundation has released the findings from an international study on the status quo of highly qualified female scholars and scientists around the world.

Communication Lab #5: Shaping the future with solidarity and positive visions

The fifth Communication Lab, ”The New Global”, took place in May. Ten journalists and ten researchers from 15 different countries discussed the future of global cooperation with experts from the media, science and political consultancy.

In the face of war: International conference to discuss issues pertaining to scientific freedom

Experts and researchers who have fled their country gathered at the Philipp Schwartz and Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum held on 10 and 11 May in Berlin and online.

2022 Humboldt Alumni Awards presented – New application round open

Awards for the best network initiatives launched by Humboldtians go to Greece, Italy, Nepal, Nigeria and the People’s Republic of China.

For more exciting stories and news from the Humboldt Network, visit our Newsroom!

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
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53173 Bonn

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Georg Scholl (responsible)
Kristina Güroff
Lisa Purzitza

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