Dear reader,

If you’re thinking, "something’s different here...", you’re right: This latest issue of the Humboldt Foundation’s newsletter sports a new design. Our website also has a new look. More inviting, we think. With its more accessible layout and clearer structure, we want to share with you the fascinating topics Humboldtians worldwide are working on and report on what we are doing to promote scientific progress and international understanding.

Unfortunately, we too have to largely forego face-to-face encounters in our global network for the time being. However, the winning submissions from our Communication Lab for Exchange between Research and Media provide examples for how collaboration can impressively succeed even when it is a virtual undertaking. You can read about all of this and more in our newsletter. We wish you enjoyable reading!

Sofja Kovalevskaja Awards for 2020 presented

Eight researchers from abroad will each receive up to €1.65 million in prize money to be used to set up their own research groups in Bochum, Giessen, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Mainz, Munich, Oberpfaffenhofen and Tübingen.

New call for applications for International Climate Protection Fellowships

Prospective leaders from transition and developing countries can now apply to the International Climate Protection Fellowship programme. Applications may be submitted until 1 March 2021.

Communication Lab: Prizes awarded to winners of the first round

In innovative ways, they tell about virology in Argentina, the food supply in Zimbabwe, and about how seaweed can be used to treat medical disorders: The best works of journalism from the Communication Lab for Exchange between Research and Media have now been awarded prizes.

Environmental disaster off the coast of Mauritius

Interview with Humboldtian Nowsheen Goonoo about the oil spill disaster that struck her native country without warning and now has the potential to impact her own research work.

In line with the times: Humboldt Foundation goes virtual

Due to the corona pandemic, the Humboldt Foundation’s Annual Meeting was just one of several events to be held virtually this year. The Foundation relied on digital formats for a number of events in 2020.

Awards for researchers from developing and transition countries

Humboldt Foundation to present its Georg Forster Research Awards, each valued at €60,000. The closing date for nominations is 31 October 2020.

GAIN is now Virtual GAIN

Junior researchers from Germany and researchers from other countries got together with high-ranking representatives from the science community, the political sector and industry at the GAIN 2020.

Evaluation proves: Philipp Schwartz Initiative successful

The Philipp Schwartz Initiative brings threatened researchers from abroad to German universities. A current evaluation shows that the programme is effective.

Humboldt Foundation expands research cooperation with Bulgaria

In future, Humboldt fellows who return to their native country Bulgaria following a research stay in Germany may receive a Return Fellowship.

BBAW received extensive collection of handwritten documents from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The gift of a manuscript collection from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation will significantly increase the Academy’s archive holdings.

Better Connected! How cooperation benefits research

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Jean-Paul-Str. 12
53173 Bonn

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Georg Scholl (responsible)
Alexandra Hostert
Lisa Purzitza

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