Dear reader,

Climate change poses not only technical challenges but also enormous social challenges worldwide. In response to this, we at the Humboldt Foundation have created a binding framework for our work: a Sustainability Agenda to ensure climate-neutral development for our sponsorship activities, our network and our headquarters. For us as a globally active network organisation, sustainable mobility is a key issue that we recently discussed with 150 participants from the science community, society and the political sector at the virtual Humboldt New Mobility Conference.
We also promote sustainable solutions in the area of science communication, such as by arranging collaboration between Humboldt Fellows and young journalists at the Humboldt Communication Lab.

In this newsletter you can learn more about the excellent reports generated during ComLab#3 “Sustainability and Social Justice”, the positive effects of international research collaboration, and the proposals that the Humboldt Foundation is making for the new legislative period in Germany.

We wish you interesting reading!

Sustainable mobility will be a social challenge

Around 150 participants from the science community, society and the political sector discussed sustainable mobility at the international virtual Humboldt New Mobility Conference.

Sustainability Agenda: Shaping networks for the future

Science organisations contribute to mastering the climate crisis. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is developing on the basis of the UN Sustainable Development Goals measures for a sustainable global network.

New call for applications for International Climate Protection Fellowships

Prospective leaders from transition and developing countries can now apply to the International Climate Protection Fellowship Programme. Applications are being accepted until 1 February 2022.

Winners of the third ComLab announced

The best four works of journalism from the third Communication Lab for Exchange between Research and Media have been awarded prizes by the Humboldt Foundation and the International Journalists’ Programmes.

Germany must continue investing in the internationalisation of its science

A Study by ETH Zurich examines the positive effects of international research fellowships. The Humboldt Foundation publishes a discussion paper on the further internationalisation of German science in the coming legislative period.

Awards for researchers from developing and transition countries

Ten researchers – four women and six men – have been chosen to receive this year’s Georg Forster Research Awards.

Declaration on the Future of Science Communication

Fifty young scientists from throughout Europe drafted a discussion paper on the future of good science communication with the aim of providing impetus for further discussion in the science community.

For more exciting stories and news from the Humboldt Network, visit our Newsroom!

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Jean-Paul-Str. 12
53173 Bonn

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Georg Scholl (responsible)
Alexandra Hostert
Lisa Purzitza

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