Sharing scientific findings with the public was extremely important to Alexander von Humboldt. That was also his motivation for giving his famous Kosmos lectures in Berlin 200 years ago. Speaking at the Foundation’s summer reception in Berlin, our president Robert Schlögl likewise emphasized – with reference to Humboldt – that everyone should benefit from the knowledge the world has to offer. During the last few weeks, our Residency Programme demonstrated how this can be done: An international group of experts from academia, the media and civil society teamed up in Berlin and Brandenburg to search for sustainable approaches to the use of our resources.
And at our Communication Lab, researchers and journalists came together in Berlin to discuss how we should communicate the latest findings from climate research and other key issues for the future.
Also in this newsletter: The presentation of the latest recipients of the Georg Forster Research Award for researchers from developing and transition countries, plus current invitations to apply to our fellowship programmes, for example for young climate protection experts. We hope you enjoy your reading!