Dear reader,

Sharing scientific findings with the public was extremely important to Alexander von Humboldt. That was also his motivation for giving his famous Kosmos lectures in Berlin 200 years ago. Speaking at the Foundation’s summer reception in Berlin, our president Robert Schlögl likewise emphasized – with reference to Humboldt – that everyone should benefit from the knowledge the world has to offer. During the last few weeks, our Residency Programme demonstrated how this can be done: An international group of experts from academia, the media and civil society teamed up in Berlin and Brandenburg to search for sustainable approaches to the use of our resources.

And at our Communication Lab, researchers and journalists came together in Berlin to discuss how we should communicate the latest findings from climate research and other key issues for the future.

Also in this newsletter: The presentation of the latest recipients of the Georg Forster Research Award for researchers from developing and transition countries, plus current invitations to apply to our fellowship programmes, for example for young climate protection experts. We hope you enjoy your reading!

Residency Programme 2023 presents first results

During their six-week residency in Brandenburg and Berlin, the participants in the 2023 Humboldt Residency Programme discussed the sustainable use of resources. At the Foundation's summer reception, they presented results of the collaboration.

Atenção Pesquisadores – Fellowships for researchers from Brazil

The CAPES-Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme will once again be granting fellowships for researchers from Brazil with above-average qualifications. The deadline for applications is 30 November.

Welcome to the Future – Communication Lab in Berlin

Alumni of the Communication Lab and experts from academia, the media and politics met in Berlin on 8 September to share ideas on the communication challenges facing AI, climate innovations and biotechnology.

Georg Forster Research Awards 2023

Six researchers from developing and transition countries – two women and four men – have been chosen to receive this year’s Georg Forster Research Awards. They are each valued at €60,000.

New call for applications for International Climate Protection Fellowships

Prospective leaders from transition and developing countries can now apply to the International Climate Protection Fellowship Programme. Deadline: 1 February 2024.

#GoGAIN23 – Conducting Research in Germany

The latest GAIN Conference – the largest networking event relating to international academic careers – was held in Boston, USA in August. More than 500 participants shared information and views about career opportunities in Germany. The event was jointly organised by the Humboldt Foundation, DAAD and DFG.

Call for Participation: International research stays – what interests and wishes do postdocs have?

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation wants to know more about postdocs’ interests and wishes in order to make its offerings for post-doctoral candidates even more attractive. You can help us!

Online information events – How to become part of the Humboldt Network

Humboldt Discoveries is a series of events for applicants, hosts and nominators. In September, experts will answer questions online about some of the Foundation‘s programmes such as the Capes-Humboldt, Feodor Lynen and the Henriette Herz Scouting Programme!

For more exciting stories and news from the Humboldt Network, visit our Newsroom!

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Jean-Paul-Str. 12
53173 Bonn

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Mareike Ilsemann (comm.)
Lisa Purzitza
Stefan Wünsche

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