Humboldt Residency Programme

Saturn-ähnliches Dekortationsbild


Tonja Klausmann
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Berlin Office)
Humboldt Residency Programme
Markgrafenstr. 37
10117 Berlin

+49 30 20 45 55 39

The numerous challenges facing us today – such as climate change, the emergence of zoonoses and the current COVID-19 pandemic – clearly demonstrate that the benefits to society as well as the visibility of scientifically generated knowledge partly depend on sharing ideas with other sectors of society.

Headed by annually changing hosts, the Humboldt Residency Programme seeks to bring together Humboldtians and other researchers with actors in civil society, journalists, entrepreneurs and artists to work on a common topic during the residency.

In the form of media formats, events and publications, this programme aims to generate tangible new impetus in academia, society and politics. The programme reinforces innovation by transdisciplinary cooperation beyond the boundaries of science.

Humboldt Residency Programme 2024

Saturn-ähnliches Dekortationsbild
Press release: The 2024 Humboldt Residency Programme to revolve around the exchange of knowledge between the Global North and the Global South.
The Residency Cohort 2024: short biografies of the participants (PDF, 590 KB)
Glühbirne umgeben von dünnen Lichtschläuchen, in dunkelblau gehalten.

Power and Knowledge: Confronting Global Imbalances in our Knowledge Systems

Knowledge and power are inherently linked. The decision as to what constitutes (true) knowledge emerges from a global, but asymmetrical network of power structures. In 2024, the Humboldt Residency Programme addresses this topic by asking the question as to how the exchange of knowledge between the Global North and the Global South can be structured in the science system and beyond. The aim is to create synergies out of existing knowledge and integrate the voices of more local actors in global strategies.

The key questions are:

  • How can we counter inequalities in access to knowledge and in the visibility of different forms of knowledge?
  • What resources are required to diversify access to the existing system?
  • What possible ways are there of re-establishing traditional knowledge systems that have been destroyed by colonialism?
  • How can researchers and political actors from the Global North be sensitised to persisting colonial structures as well as to the value of existing local and indigenous knowledge?

Humboldt Residency Programme 2023

Saturn-ähnliches Dekortationsbild
Press release: Summer Reception with Kosmos lecture by Pratyush Shankar
Press release: Envisioning resources in new ways: Humboldt Residency Programme enters second round
Gruppenfoto auf einer Steintreppe vor dem Eingang eines großen weißen Gebäudes
The participants of the Humboldt Residency Cohort 2023 in front of Schloss Wiepersdorf in Brandenburg, Germany
Portraitfoto Mann vor grünem Gebüsch
The former Humboldt Research Fellow Pratyush Shankar is architect and professor of urban history and design at Navrachana University in Vadodara, India. He heads this year’s Humboldt Residency Programme.
Portraitfoto einer Frau vor grünen Sträuchern
Evelyn Araripe is an environmental educator with expertise in climate education for youth in international projects. She is a PhD Candidate in the Green Chemistry, Sustainability and Education Research Group at the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil, as well as a visiting lecturer and researcher at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany.
Portraitfoto von einem Mann vor grünen Sträuchern
Biologist Santos Chicas is assistant professor at Kyūshū University, Japan. With the help of machine learning and methods deriving from social science he searches for solutions to environmental problems like deforestation and forest fires. He conducted research at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on a Georg Forster Research Fellowship until February 2023.
Portaitfoto einer Frau vor grünen Sträuchern
Magdalena Hart translates the language of nature using virtual reality and creative coding. The artist from UK/Uruguay creates interactive installations and wants her art to make the signals sent by nature audible and perceptible.
Portraitfoto einer Frau vor grünen Sträuchern
Antonia Krefeld-Schwalb is a consumer researcher with a background in cognitive psychology. She is an Assistant Professor at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University in the Netherlands.
Portraitfoto einer Frau vor grünen Sträuchern
Hlengiwe Radebe works as Civil Society and Youth Engagement Officer at WWF South Africa. She is the Chairperson of the Climate Action Network South Africa’s board of directors and a board advisor at Mukuru Clean Stoves.
Portraitfoto einer Frau vor grünen Sträuchern
Lucy Ombaka is a chemist with a focus on the production of green hydrogen at Technical University of Kenya in Nairobi, Kenya. As a Georg Forster Research Fellow she conducted research at the Institute of Technical Chemistry at Leibniz University Hannover from 2018 to 2021
Portraitfoto von einem Mann vor grünen Sträuchern
Christopher Schrader has been a freelance journalist specialising in climate research since 2015.
Portaitfoto von einem Mann vor grünen Sträuchern
Sociologist Stephen Woroniecki is an assistant professor in the Environmental Change Unit of the Department of Thematic Studies at Linköping University, Sweden, and researcher at the Nature-based Solutions Initiative at Oxford University, United Kingdom.
Portraitfoto von einem Mann vor grünen Sträuchern
The waste management expert Lou Ziyang is Professor at the China Institute for Urban Governance at Shanghai Jiaotong University in Shanghai, China. As an International Climate Protection Fellow of the Humboldt Foundation, he conducted research at the TU Dresden in 2010.

Check out what results the second residency cohort achieved!

Humboldt Residency Programme 2023

The Humboldt Residency Programme 2023 convened under the title “Our Precious Resources: Pathways to a Secure and Sustainable Future” and examined, how a changed use of resources can pave the way to a sustainable – and with that secure – future. By exploring the interface of global ecological urgency, political volatility, and societal conditions the programme aimed to foster a wide-ranging exchange between scientific and non-scientific stakeholders to inspire solutions for the most pressing questions currently facing humankind.

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Humboldt Residency Programme 2022

In its pilot year, the 2022 Humboldt Residency Programme brought together a unique constellation of 15 individuals from academia, journalism, philosophy, and the arts to jointly reflect on the topic of social cohesion. The aim was to stimulate new perspectives on the issue of eroding social cohesion and rising populism as well as extremism. In the form of media formats, events and publications, the participants have generated tangible new impetus in academia, society and politics.


This programme is financed by