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The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Ambassador Scientists disseminate information about Germany as a research location at universities and research institutions at home and abroad, focussing particularly on the Foundation’s sponsorship programmes and international network. They work for the Foundation in an honorary capacity as alumni, hosts or reviewers.
Abroad the Ambassador Scientists also advise the Humboldt Foundation and other German funding organisations on local programme promotion and networking. They are points of contact for Humboldt alumni and Humboldt associations. Currently 35 Ambassador Scientists in 25 countries are supporting the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Name (Research Area)
Home institution, Place
Algeria | Sekkal-Rahal, Prof. Dr. Majda (Spectroscopy) | Universite Djillali Liabes, Sidi Bel Abbès | majsekkal[at]msn.com |
Argentina | Chicote, Prof. Dr. Gloria (Romance Literature) | Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata | gchicote[at]conicet.gov.ar |
Pungitore, Prof. Dr. Carlos Rodolfo (Natural Product Chemistry) | Instituto de Investigaciones en Tecnologia Quimica (INTEQUI-CONICET), San Luis | carlos.pungitore[at]conicet.gov.ar | |
Brazil | de Araujo, Prof. Dr. Marcelo (Practical Philosophy) | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | marceloaraujo[at]direito.ufrj.br |
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro | dodeskadan[at]yahoo.co.uk | ||
Solé Kienle, Prof. Dr. Mirco (Animal Systematics and Morphology) | Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilheus | mksole[at]uesc.br | |
Pasquarelli Perez, Dr. Juliana (Modern German Literature) | Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo | julianaperez[at]usp.br | |
Bulgaria | Bacvarov, Dr. Krum Ernstov (Prehistory ) | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia | krum.bacvarov[at]gmail.com |
Cameroon | Atindogbé, Prof. Dr. Gratien Gualbert (African Studies) | University of Buea, Buea | grat_atin[at]yahoo.com |
Canada | Grondin, Prof. Dr. Jean (Philosophy) | Université de Montréal, Montreal | jean.grondin[at]umontreal.ca |
Chile | Feijoo, Prof. Dr. Carmen Gloria (Immunology) | Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago de Chile | cfeijoo[at]unab.cl |
China, PR | Lu, Prof. Dr. Wenjing (Toxicology and Occupational Medicine) | Tsinghua University, Beijing | luwenjing[at]mail.tsinghua.edu.cn |
Dong, Prof. Dr. Zhi-Bing (Organic Molecular Chemistry) | Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan | dzb04982[at]163.com | |
Li, Prof. Dr. Yuan (German Language (Linguistics)) | Zhejiang University, Hangzhou | liyuan_hz[at]msn.com | |
Columbia | Uribe, Prof. Dr. Bernardo (Geometry, Topology) | Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla | bjongbloed[at]uninorte.edu.co |
Ibagón-Ibagón, Prof. Dr. Monica-Liliana (General Public Law, Administrative Law) | Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá D.C. | monicaibagon[at]yahoo.com | |
Egypt | El-Hossary, Prof. Dr. Ebaa (Pharmacy) | Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA), Cairo | ebaa.elhossary[at]gmail.com |
Ethiopia | Melesse, Prof. Dr. Aberra (Animal Breeding, Maintenance and Hygiene) | Hawassa University, Hawassa | a_melesse[at]uni-hohenheim.de |
France | Alibert, Dr. habil. Paul (Bioinformatics and Theoretical Biology) | Université de Bourgogne, Dijon | paul.alibert[at]u-bourgogne.fr |
India | Pandurang, Prof. Dr. Mala (Other Regional Studies, Languages and Cultures) | Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Mumbai | mpandu[at]bmncollege.com |
Janardhana Raju, Prof. Dr. Nandimandalam (Geochemistry: Inorganic, Organic, Biological) | Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi | rajunj7[at]gmail.com | |
Sen Gupta, Prof. Dr. Sayam (Inorganic Molecular Chemistry) | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Kolkata | sayam.sengupta[at]iiserkol.ac.in | |
Roy, Dr. Nirupam (Astronomy) | Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru | nroy[at]iisc.ac.in | |
Israel | Sergi, Dr. Omer (Theology / Archeology) | Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv | omertelaviv[at]gmail.com |
Italy | Beccarisi, Prof. Dr. Alessandra (History of Philosophy) | Università degli Studi di Foggia, Foggia | alessandra.beccarisi[at]unifg.it |
Japan | Takayama, Prof. Dr. h.c. Kanako (General criminal law) | Kyoto University, Kyoto | takayama[at]law.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
Kenya | Maseno, Dr. Loreen Iminza (Theology) | Maseno University, Maseno | loreenmas[at]gmail.com |
Malaysia | Hashim, Prof. Dr. Azirah (English Language) | University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur | azirahh[at]um.edu.my |
Mexico | Saldana, Dr. Juan Munoz (Materials Engineering) | Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV), Queretaro | jmunoz[at]cinvestav.mx |
Morocco | Abid, Prof. Dr. Malika (Plant Physiology) | Universite Mohammed I, Oujda | malikaabid213[at]gmail.com |
Lakrad, Prof. Faouzi (Mechanics) | University Hassan II, Casablanca | lakrad[at]hotmail.com | |
Nepal | Paudel Bhattarai, Dr. Babita (Natural Products Chemistry) | Center for Natural and Applied Sciences (CENAS), Kathmandu | paudelb[at]cenas.org.np |
Nigeria | Odeku, Prof. Dr. Oluwatoyin (Pharmacy) | University of Ibadan, Ibadan | pejuodeku[at]yahoo.com |
Romania | Dima, Prof. Dr. Mihai R. (Climatology) | University of Bucharest, Bucharest | mihai.dima[at]unibuc.ro |
South Africa | Yusuf, Dr. Abdullahi (General Genetics, Functional Genome Research) | University of Pretoria, Pretoria | aayusuf[at]zoology.up.ac.za |
Turkey | Arkin Olgar, Prof. Dr. Handan (Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, Biological Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics) | Ankara University, Ankara | holgar[at]eng.ankara.edu.tr |
USA | Humboldtians on Campus | Washington, D.C. |