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Further information
Please read our info sheet and learn about the work of Humboldt Alumni Associations and about how to set up an Association in your own country or region.
Humboldt Alumni Associations abroad are promoting the regional and international academic and cultural exchange between Humboldt Alumni, other experienced researchers and junior researchers in the respective countries.
Currently there are 108 Humboldt Alumni Associations (incl. 3 transnational associations) in 72 countries.
N.N. | Association of Humboldt Fellows Bangladesh c/o Prof. Dr. Masum Ahmad Bangladesh Agricultural University Department of Entomology Mymensingh – 2202 BANGLADESCH Tel.: (+880-91) 67401 06/ 2455 Fax: (+880-91) 61510 E-Mail: masum_bau2006[at]yahoo.com http://www.ahfb.org.bd |
Prof. Dr. Henry N.C. Wong | Alexander von Humboldt Chapter of the German Alumni Association Hong Kong (GAAHK) c/o Prof. Dr. Henry N.C. Wong The Chinese Unviersity of Hong Kong University Administration Building 2/F, Room 215 Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong SAR CHINA Phone: (+86-2609) 6329 Fax: (+86-2603) 5057 Email: hncwong[at]cuhk.edu.hk |
Prof. Dr. Xuemei Yu | Humboldt-Club Shanghai c/o Prof. Dr. Xuemei Yu Shanghai University 99 Shangda Road, Baoshan District 200444 Shanghai CHINA Phone: (+86-21) 66133196 Fax: (+86-21) 66134021 Email: xuemei.yu[at]shu.edu.cn |
Prof. Dr. Jianping Yuan | Humboldt-Club Xi'an c/o Prof. Dr. Jie Kong Northwestern Polytechnical University School of Science, The Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Polymer Science and Technology 710072 Xian/Shaanxi CHINA Phone: (+86-29) 88460282 Mobile: (+86-1399) 1377475 Email: mfkongjie[at]hotmail.com |
Prof. Dr. Fang Wang | Nanjing Club of Alexander von Humboldt c/o Prof. Dr. Fang Wang Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Soil Science No. 298 Chuangyou Road, Jiangning District Nanjing 211135 CHINA Phone: (+86-25) 86881138 Mobile: (+86-138) 51852497 Email: wangfang[at]issas.ac.cn |
Prof. Dr. Yong-xiang Lu | Verein Chinesischer Humboldt-Stipendiaten e.V. c/o Prof. Dr. Wen-hua Huang Dongsi Nan Dajie Shija Hutong, Xiluoquan 1 100010 Beijing CHINA Phone: (+86-10) 65243971 Fax: (+86-10) 65243971 Email: wdp200202[at]yahoo.com.cn |
Dr. Raja Kishore Paramguru
| Odisha Humboldtian Association c/o. Dr. Nivedita Jena KIIT University School of Biotechnology, KIIT TBI, Campus 11, Patia, Bhubaneswar Odisha 751024 INDIEN Phone: (+91-95) 56716477 Email: nivedita[at]kiitincubator.in Email: nivijena(at)@yahoo.com |
Prof. Dr. Manju Bansal | AvH Association Bangalore c/o Prof. Dr. Manju Bansal Indian Institute of Science Molecular Biophysics Unit C.V. Raman Avenue 560012 Bangalore, Karnakata INDIA Phone: (+91-80) 22932534 Fax: (+91-80) 23600535 Email: mb[at]mbu.iisc.ernet.in pallab.serc.iisc.ernet.in/avh/ |
Prof. Dr. Lalit M. Manocha | Humboldt Academy of Gujarat c/o Prof. Dr. Lalit M. Manocha Sardar Patel University Faculty of Science Vallabh Vidyanagar Gujarat 388120 INDIA Phone: (+91-2692) 235183 Fax: (+91-2692) 312696 Email: manocha52[at]rediffmail.com |
Dr. Onkar Tripathi | Humboldt Academy of Lucknow c/o Prof. Dr. Poonam Tandon University of Lucknow Department of Physics University Road Lucknow 226 007 / Uttar Pradesh INDIA Phone: (+91-522) 2740840 Fax: (+91-522) 2740840 Email: poonam_tandon[at]yahoo.co.uk |
Prof. Dr. Phool Chand Mishra | Humboldt Academy of Varanasi c/o Prof. Dr. Phool Chand Mishra Banaras Hindu University Department of Physics Laser and Spectroscopy Laboratory Varanasi 221005 INDIA Phone: (+91-542) 2307208 Mobile: (+91-941) 5812325 Fax: (+91-542) 2368174 Email: pcmishra_in[at]rediffmail.com |
Dr. Amitava Datta | Humboldt-Club Calcutta c/o Prof. Dr. Achintya Mukhopadhyay Jadavpur University Department of Electrical Engineering 188, Raja S.C.Mallik Road Kolkata West Bengal 700032 INDIEN E-Mail: achintya.hcc[at]gmail.com |
Prof. Dr. Alok Srivastava | AvH Academy Chandigarh c/o Prof. Dr. Alok Srivastava Panjab University Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry Sector 14 Chandigarh 160014, Panjab INDIA Phone: (+91-172) 2534424 Fax: (+91-172) 2545074 Email: alokankita[at]yahoo.com |
Prof. Dr. Anurag Sharma | Delhi Humboldt Club c/o Prof. Dr. Anurag Sharma Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi Department of Physics Hauz Khas New Delhi, Delhi 110016 INDIA Phone: (+91-11) 26591350 Fax: (+91-11) 26582053 Email: asharma[at]physics.iitd.ac.in https://iitd.irins.org/profile/10608 |
Prof. Dr. Kali Das Sen | Humboldt-Club Hyderabad c/o Prof. Dr. Kali Das Sen University of Hyderabad School of Chemistry Hyderabad 500 046 INDIA Phone: (+91-40) 23012484 Fax: (+91-40) 23012460 Email: sensc[at]uohyd.ernet.in / kalidas.sen[at]gmail.com |
Prof. Dr. Kana M. Sureshan | Humboldt Club Kerala Thiruvananthapuram c/o. Prof. Dr. Kana M. Sureshan Goethe Zentrum “Casa Julia” University Road Thiruvananthapuram 695034 Indien Phone: (+91-471) 2778064 Email: kms[at]iisertvm.ac.in |
Prof. Dr. Uday Kumar Chatterjee | Humboldt-Club Kharagpur c/o Dr. Abhijit Bhattacharya Indian Institute of Technology Department of Geology and Geophysics Kharagpur - 721 302 INDIA Phone: (+91-3222) 83350 Fax: (+91-3222) 755303 Email: abba[at]gg.iitkgp.ernet.in |
Prof. Dr. Anand Swaroop Khanna | Humboldt-Club Mumbai c/o Prof. Dr. Anand Swaroop Khanna Indian Institute of Technology Corrosion Science and Engineering Programme Powai, Mumbai 400 076 INDIA Phone: (+91-22) 25767891 Fax: (+91-22) 25723480 Email: khanna[at]met.iitb.ac.in / khanna[at]iitb.ac.in avhmumbai.net |
Prof. Dr. B.S.Madhava Rao
| Humboldt-Academy Pune c/o Prof. Dr. B.S.Madhava Rao Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune Department of Chemistry 122 Mendeleev Block, Pashan Road 411008 Pune, Maharashtra INDIA Email: bsmrao[at]iiserpune.ac.in https://www.humboldt-academypune.org/ |
N.N. | Humboldt-Club Chennai c/o N.N. |
Prof. Dr. Sabyasachi Sarkar | Kanpur Humboldt Club c/o Prof. Dr. Sandeep Verma Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Department of Chemistry Kanpur - 208 016 INDIA Phone: (+91-512) 2597643 Fax: (+91-512) 2597436 Email: sverma[at]iitk.ac.in www.iitk.ac.in/humboldt |
Prof. Dr. Satya P.S. Kushwaha | Humboldt Club of Uttarakhand c/o Prof. Dr. Satya P.S. Kushwaha Humboldt House Dehradun Uttarakhand 248001 INDIA Phone: (+91-1332) 285699 Fax: (+91-1332) 273560 Email: spskushwaha[at]gmail.com |
Prof. Dr. Suman Kumar Sharma | Humboldt Academy of Rajasthan c/o Dr. Kamlendra Awasthi Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur Department of Physics Jaipur 302017 (Rajasthan) INDIA Phone: (+91-141) 2713441 E-Mail: avhrajasthan[at]gmail.com |
Prof. Dr. Srinivas Viladkar | Alexander von Humboldt Club Central India c/o Prof. Dr. Srinivas Viladkar Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462066 INDIA Phone: (+91-755) 2691395 Email: srinivas[at]iiserb.ac.in avhclubcentralindia@gmail.com |
Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko | Indonesian Humboldt-Club c/o Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko Perumahan Bella Casa E2/17 JL. Tole Iskandar 1 Depok 16431 INDONESIA Phone: (+62-021) 77841849 Fax: (+62-021) 77841871 Email: secretary[at]avh.keluarga.org |
Prof. Dr. Shinji Fushiki | Humboldt-Gesellschaft Japan Prof. Dr. Shinji Fushiki c/o DAAD Tokyo Minatoku, Akasaka 7-5-56 107-0052 Tokyo JAPAN Phone: (+81-3) 35826080 Fax: (+81-3) 35826080 Email: alumni[at]daadjp.com |
Prof. Dr. Rakhmetkaji I. Bersimbay | Humboldt-Club in Kazakhstan c/o Prof. Dr. Rakhmetkaji I. Bersimbay Eurasian University Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of General Biology and Genomics, Institute of CEll Biology and Biotechnology Munaitpassov.str.5, ENU 010008 Astana KAZAKHSTAN Phone: (+7-7172) 709451 Fax: (+7-7172) 709451 Email: ribers[at]mail.ru |
Prof. Dr. Pamira Kadyrbekova | Humboldt-Alumni Kirgisistan c/o Prof. Dr. Pamira Kadyrbekova Kirgisische Nationale Jusup Balasagyn Universität Lehrstuhl für Deutsch/Interkulturelle Germanistik Manas-Prospekt 66 720047 Bischkek KYRGYZSTAN Phone: (+963-12) 665748 Fax: (+963-12) 660904 Email: pamirakadyrbekova[at]rambler.ru |
Prof. Dr. Jaeyoung Lee | Humboldt Club Korea c/o Prof. Dr. Jaeyoung Lee Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Ertl Center for Electrochemistry and Catalysis / School of Environment and Energy Engineering 123 Cheomdan-Gwagiro Gwangju 61005 KOREA E-Mail: jaeyoung@gist.ac.kr | |
Prof. Dr. Kang-Ho Lie | Humboldt Society in Korea c/o Prof. Dr. Kang-Ho Lie Hanyang University Department of German Language and Literature Hangdang-Dong 17, Sengdong-Ku 133-791 Seoul KOREA Phone: (+82-2) 2900764 Fax: (+82-2) 2900760 Email: liekangh[at]hanyang.ac.kr |
Prof. Dr. Damdinsuren Amarsaikhan | Humboldt Club, Mongolia c/o Prof. Dr. Damdinsuren Amarsaikhan Mongolian Academy of Sciences Institute of Informatics and RS (IIRS) av. Enkhtaivan-54 B 51 Ulan Bator MONGOLIA Phone: (+976-11) 453660 Fax: (+976-11) 458090 Email: amar64[at]arvis.ac.mn, amaraa66[at]yahoo.com |
Prof. Dr. Novel Kishore Rai | Humboldt-Club Nepal c/o Prof. Dr. Novel Kishore Rai G. P.O. Box 8975 EPC 2869 Kathmandu NEPAL Phone: (+977-1) 5546366 Email: drnovel4[at]yahoo.com |
Prof. Dr. Khalid Rashid | Pakistan Humboldt Forum c/o Prof. Dr. Khalid Rashid Quaid-I-Azam University National Centre of Physics, Centre for Earthquake Studies University Road 44000 Islamabad PAKISTAN Phone: (+92-51) 2103899 Fax: (+92-51) 2601019 Email: kr4flkyt[at]dsl.net.pk |
Prof. Dr. Victor Asio | Humboldt Club Philippines c/o Prof. Dr. Victor Asio Visayas State University College of Agriculture & Food Science Dean Baybay City 6521-A Leyte PHILIPPINEs Phone: (+63-53563) 7107 Fax: (+63-53335) 2652 Email: vbasio[at]gmail.com |
Prof. Dr. Athula Senaratne | Sri Lanka Association of Alexander von Humboldt Fellows (SL-AvH) c/o Prof. Dr. Athula Senaratne University of Peradeniya Vice Chancellors Office Peradeniya 20400 SRI LANKA Phone: (+94)- 081-2392300 Fax: (+94)- 081-2388151 Email: avhsrilanka[at]gmail.com |
Prof. Dr. Cheng-Chang Lien | Humboldt-Club Taiwan, R.O.C. c/o Prof. Dr. Cheng-Chang Lien National Yang Ming University Institute of Neuroscience 155, Section 2, Li-Nong Street Taipei 1121 TAIWAN Email: cclien[at]ym.edu.tw |
Prof. Dr. Wanchai De-Eknamkul | Humboldt-Club Thailand Culalongkorn University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science Phyathai Road Bangkok 10330 THAILAND Email: dwanchai[at]chula.ac.th |
Prof. Dr. Bakhtyjar Karimov | Humboldt-Vereinigung Usbekistan c/o Prof. Dr. Bakhtyjar Karimov Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers Ecology and Water Resources Management 39 Kari Niyazov street Tashkent 100000 UZBEKISTAN Phone: (+998-71) 2371926 Fax: (+998-71) 2373879 Email: b.karimov[at]gmx.de |
Prof. Dr. Ngo Viet Trung | Humboldt-Club Vietnam c/o Prof. Dr. Ngo Viet Trung Institute of Mathematics 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road Hanoi 10307 VIETNAM Phone: (+84-4) 8361317 Fax: (+84-4) 7564303 Email: nvtrung[at]math.ac.vn |
Dr. Sergei Levchenko | Club der Humboldt-Stipendiaten in Belarus c/o Dr. Sergei Levchenko National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research-Sosny Krasin Str. 99 220109 Minsk BELARUS Phone: (+375-17) 2994730 Mobile: (+375-29) 6967961 Fax: (+375-17) 2994355 Email: sergei.levchenko[at]hotmail.com Email: sergei.levchenko[at]gmail.com Skype: sergei.levchenko |
Prof. Dr. Patrick A. Degryse | Belgischer Humboldt-Verein c/o Prof. Dr. Patrick A. Degryse Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Centre for Archaeological Sciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Geology Celestijnenlaas 200E, bus 2408 3001 Leuven BELGIUM Phone: (+32-16) 326460 Mobile: (32-476) 561365 Fax: (+32-16) 322980 Email: Patrick.Degryse[at]ees.kuleuven.be |
Prof. Dr. Yuri Kalvachev | Humboldt-Union in Bulgarien c/o Prof. Dr. Yuri Kalvachev Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Catalysis Georgi Bonchev Str. 11 1113 Sofia BULGARIA Phone.: (+359-878) 457425 Email: kalvachev[at]ic.bas.bg |
Prof. Dr. Elke Bogner | Deutsches Humboldt-Netzwerk e.V. c/o Prof. Dr. Wolfram Koepf Universität Kassel Department 10 Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40 34132 Kassel GERMANY Phone: (+49) 561-8044207 Fax: (+49) 561-8044646 Email: humboldt[at]mathematik.uni-kassel.de http://www.dhn-ev.de The German Alumni Association has many regional subgroups who offer a variety of events all over Germany. |
Prof. Dr. Jüri Engelbrecht | Humboldt-Club Estland Prof. Dr. Anti Selart Institut für Geschichte und Archäologie Universität Tartu Postanschrift: Ülikooli 18, 50090 Tartu Besucheranschrift: Lossi 3-414, 51003 Tartu ESTONIA Phone: (+372) 7375657 Email: anti.selart[at]ut.ee / je[at]ioc.ee |
Prof. Dr. Outi Merisalo | Alexander von Humboldt-Club Finnland c/o Prof. Dr. Outi Merisalo University of Jyväskylä PL 35 40014 Jyväskylä FINLAND Phone: (+358-14) 2601405 Fax: (+358-14) 2601401 Email: avhclub[at]gmail.com http://sites.google.com/site/avhclubfinnland/alexander-von-humboldt-club-finnland |
Prof. Dr. Damien Ehrhardt | Association Humboldt-France c/o Prof. Dr. Damien Ehrhardt Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne UFR LAM Boulevard Francois Mitterand 91025 Evry Cedex FRANCE Phone: (+33-6) 98060342 Email: dehrhardt[at]hotmail.fr www.collegehumboldt.wixsite.com/humboldtfrance |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kartosia | Georgischer Humboldt-Club c/o Prof. Dr. Joni Apakidze Sokhumi State University Jikiastr. 9 0186 Tbilisi GEORGIA Phone: (+995-32) 323488 Fax: (+995-32) 982794 Mobile: (+995-99) 762207 Email: japakidze[at]yahoo.com / al_kartozia[at]yahoo.com |
Prof. Dr. Nikolaos K. Klamaris | Griechischer Humboldt-Club |
Dr. Róisín M. Healy | Alexander von Humboldt Association of Ireland c/o Dr. Róisín M. Healy National University of Ireland, Galway Department of History University Road Galway H91 TK33 IRELAND Phone: (+353 91) 492551 Email: roisin.healy[at]nuigalway.ie |
Dr. Sigfùs A. Schopka | Alexander von Humboldt-félagio á Íslandi c/o Dr. Sigfùs A. Schopka Birkigrund 43 200 Kópavogur ICELAND Phone: (+354) 5544382 Fax: (+354) 5623790 Email: sigfusschopka[at]internet.is |
Prof. Dr. Marina Foschi Albert | Associazione Italiana Alexander von Humboldt c/o Prof. Dr. Marina Foschi Albert Universita di Pisa Dipartimento di Linguistica Via Santa Maria 36 56126 Pisa ITALY E-Mail: marina.foschi[at]unipi.it humboldtitalia.altervista.org |
Prof. Dr. Milan Pelc | Kroatischer Humboldtianer-Klub |
Prof. Dr. Juras Banys | Humboldt-Club Litauen c/o Prof. Dr. Juras Banys Vilnius University Faculty of Physics Saulétekio 9 2040 Vilnius LITHUANIA Phone: (+370-2) 366077 Fax: (+370-2) 366081 Email: juras.banys[at]ff.vu.lt |
Prof. Dr. Anatoly Sidorenko | Humboldt-Club Moldova c/o Prof. Dr. Anatoly Sidorenko Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences Academiei Str. 5 2028 Kishinev MOLDOVA Phone: (+37-32) 737072 Fax: (+37-32) 738149 Email: sidorenko.anatoli[at]gmail.com |
Prof. Dr. Christian H. Krijnen | Humboldt-Club Nederland (HCN) |
Prof. Dr. Valentin Mirceski | Humboldt and DAAD-Club North Macedonia c/o Prof. Dr. Valentin Mirceski University of Skopje Institute of Chemistry Arhimedova 5, P.O. Box 162 1000 Skopje NORTH MACEDONIA Phone: (+389-2) 3117055 Fax: (+389-2) 3226865 Email: valentin[at]iunona.pmf.ukim.edu.mk |
Prof. Dr. Lukas H. Meyer | Österreichischer Klub der Freunde der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (ÖKFH) c/o Prof. Dr. Lukas H. Meyer Universität Graz Institut für Philosophie Attemsgasse 25/II 8010 Graz AUSTRIA Phone (+43-316) 380-8000 Phone (+43-316) 380-2300 Email: lukas.meyer[at]uni-graz.at |
Prof. Dr. Sławomir Steinborn | Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum c/o Prof. Dr. Sławomir Steinborn ul. Jana Bażyńskiego 6 80-309 Gdańsk POLAND E-Mail: biuro[at]humbold.org.pl www.humboldt.org.pl |
Prof. Dr. António Marques | CHumboldt-Clube de Portugal c/o Prof. Dr. António Marques Universidade Nova de Lisboa Fac. de Ciencias Sociais e Humanas Av. de Berna, 26 C 1000 Lissabon PORTUGAL Phone: (+35-1) 7933519 Fax: (+35-1) 7977719 Email: marquesantoni[at]gmail.com |
Prof. Dr. Ruxandra Cosma | Clubul Humboldt din Romania Prof. Dr. Ruxandra Cosma University of Bucharest Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of Germanic Languages Str. Pitar Mos 7-13 010451 Bucuresti ROMANIA Phone: (+40-74) 5604470 E-Mail: ruxandra.cosma[at]lls.unibuc.ro |
Prof. Dr. Tiberiu Colosi | Clubul "Humboldt-Transilvania" din Cluj-Napoca c/o Prof. Dr. Tiberiu Colosi Technische Universität Klausenburg Lehrstuhl für Automatik Str. C. Daicoviciu Nr. 15 400020 Cluj ROMANIA Phone: (+40-264) 401220 Fax: (+40-264) 599893 Email: Tiberiu.colosi[at]aut.utcluj.ro users.utcluj.ro/~aut.dept/humboldt/humboldt_deutsch.htm |
Prof. Dr. Victor N. Zadkov | Alexander von Humboldt-Club Moskau c/o Prof. Dr. Victor N. Zadkov Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University Department of Physics and International Laser Center Khokhlovastr. 1 119899 Moskau RUSSIA Phone: (+7-495) 9392371 Fax: (+7-495) 9329802 Email: zadkov[at]phys.msu.ru http://avh.phys.msu.ru |
Prof. Dr. Boris Krylov | Humboldt-Club St. Petersburg c/o Prof. Dr. Boris Krylov Russian Academy of Sciences Pavlov Institute of Physiology Nab. Makarova 6 199034 St. Petersburg RUSSIA Phone (+7-812) 3281676 Fax: (+7-812) 3280501 Email: krylov[at]infran.ru http://www.infran.ru/labs/humboldt/humboldt.htm |
Prof. Dr. Tatjana Gordejewa | Humboldt-Club der Wolga-Region c/o Prof. Dr. Tatjana Gordejewa Ladozskaja 79-231 440071 Penza RUSSIA Phone: (+7-8412) 413131 Fax: (+7-8412) 552776 Email: gordejewa[at]mail.ru |
Prof. Dr. Kev M. Salikhov | Kazaner Humboldt-Klub c/o Prof. Dr. Kev M. Salikhov Russian Academy of Sciences Kazan Physical-Technical Institute Sibirsky tract, 10/7 420029 Kazan, Tatarstan RUSSIA Phone: (+7-8432) 725044 Fax: (+7-8432) 725075 Email: salikhov[at]kfti.knc.ru |
Prof. Dr. Andrej Morozov | Verband der russischen Humboldt-Stipendiaten c/o Prof. Dr. Andrei Morozov Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics Koptyuga pr. 4 630090 Novosibirsk RUSSIA Phone: (+7-383) 3297679 Fax: (+7-383) 3332598 Email: morozov[at]math.nsc.ru |
Prof. Dr. Tatjana Nikitina | Vereinigung der Bundeskanzler-Stipendiaten aus der Russischen Föderation c/o Prof. Dr. Tatjana Nikitina St. Petersburger Staatliche Universität für Wissenschaft und Finanzen Internationale Abteilung Deutsch-Russisches Zentrum Sadovaja, 21 191023 St. Petersburg RUSSIA Phone: (+7-812) 5702942 Fax: (+7-812) 7105644 Email: nikitina[at]finec.ru |
Dr. habil. Peter Broekmann | Schweizer Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer |
Dr. Sanja Bojic | Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung und DAAD Alumni Klub bei der Universität in Novi Sad c/o Dr. Sanja Bojic DAAD-AvH Alumni Klub u Novom Sadu Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6 21121 Novi Sad SERBIA Phone: (+381-21) 350592 Fax: (+381-21) 350592 Email: avh-daad[at]uns.ac.rs http://www.humboldt-serbia.ac.rs/ger/index.php |
Pro. Dr. Melita Vidaković | Humboldt Club Serbien c/o Prof. Dr. Melita Vidaković University of Belgrade Institute for Biological Research, Department of Molecular Biology Bulevar despota Stefana 142 11060 Belgrade Phone: (+381-11) 2078326 Email: melita[at]ibiss.bg.ac.rs http://www.humboldt-serbia.ac.rs/ger/index.php |
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Buzek | Humboldt-Club der Slowakischen Republik c/o Prof. Dr. Vladimir Buzek Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics, Research Center for Quantum Information Dubravska cesta 9 845 11 Bratislava SLOVAKIA Email: buzek[at]svaba.sk |
Prof. Dr. Saso Jerse | Slowenisch-Deutscher Stipendiaten-Verein - Slovensko-nemsko drustvo stipendistov Prof. Dr. Saso Jerse Vorstand des Slowenisch-Deutschen Stipendiaten-Vereins c/o Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Prešernova cesta 27 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA Phone: (+386-1) 4790300 Fax: (+386-1) 4250899 |
Prof. Dra. Dra. h.c. mult. Silvia Barona Vilar | Asociación Alexander von Humboldt de España c/o Prof. Dra. Dra. h.c. mult. Silvia Barona Vilar Facultad de Derecho Universitat de València Avda Tarongers s/n 46022 Valencia SPAIN Phone: (+34) 3828102/ 3828111 Email: silvia.barona[at]uv.es http://www.avhe.es |
Prof. Dr. Jan Franc | Humboldt-Club in der Tschechischen Republik c/o Prof. Dr. Jan Franc Charles University Institute of Physics Ke Karlovu 5 121 16 Prague 2 CZECH REPUBLIC Phone: (+420-2) 21912854 Fax: (+420-2) 24922797 Email: franc[at]karlov.mff.cuni.cz |
Prof. Dr. Handan Arkin Olgar | Verband der Humboldtstipendiaten in Ankara (Ankara Humboldt Bursiyerleri Dernegi) c/o Prof. Dr. Handan Arkin Olgar Ankara University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Engineering Physics Tandogan 06510 Ankara TURKEY Phone: (+90-312) 2033455 Email: holgar[at]eng.ankara.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Siddik Icli | Humboldt Stipendiaten-Verein Humboldt Bursiyerleri Dernegi Izmir c/o Prof. Dr. Siddik Icli Ege University Solar Energy Institute Bornova 35100 Izmir TURKEY Phone: (+90-232) 3115011 Fax: (+90-232) 3886027 Email: siddik.icli[at]ege.edu.tr |
Dr. Alexandra V. Antoniouk | Humboldt-Club Ukraine c/o Dr. Alexandra V. Antoniouk National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Institute of Mathematics Tereshchenkivska Str. 3 01601 Kiev UKRAINE Phone: (+38-044) 4305236 Fax: (+38-0044) 2342010 Email: antoniouk[at]imath.kiev.ua http://www.humboldt.org.ua/ |
Prof. Dr. György Amadé Németh | Humboldt-Verein Ungarn c/o Prof. Dr. György Németh Universität Eötvös Loránd Philosophische Fakultät Institut für Alte Geschichte Múzeum krt. 6-8. 1088 Budapest HUNGARY Tel.: (+36-411)6500/5263 Mobil: (+36-20)549 9438 Email: mail[at]humboldt.hu http://www.humboldt.hu |
Prof. Dr. Robert Vilain | UK Alexander von Humboldt Association c/o Dr. Andrew Laurence Aldersey Johnson University of Derby School of Science Kedleston Road Derby DE22 1GB GREAT BRITAIN Email: info[at]avh.org.uk a.l.a.johnson[at]derby.ac.uk http://www.avh.org.uk |
Middle East, North Africa
Prof. Dr. Mohamed El-Fouly | Humboldt Alumni Association in Egypt c/o Prof.Dr. Mohamed Moustafa El-Fouly National Research Center El Behooth Street, Dokki P.O.Box: 12622 Giza Egypt Phone: (+202) 33365223 Fax: (+202) 37610850 Email: mohelfouly[at]link.net, avh.egypt[at]gmail.com |
Prof. Dr. Oded Lipschits | Humboldt-Club Israel c/o Prof. Dr. Oded Lipschits Tel Aviv University Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures P.O.B. 39040 69978 Tel Aviv ISRAEL Phone: (+972-2) 6585544 Fax: (+972-2) 6518383 Email: lipschit[at]post.tau.ac.il |
Prof. Dr. Marwan Mousa | Jordanian Club of Von Humboldt Fellows (HCJ) c/o Prof. Dr. Marwan Mousa Jadara University Dept. of Renewable Energy Engineering Irbid 21110 JORDAN Email: m.mousa[at]jadara.edu.jo |
Prof. Dr. Faouzi Lakrad | Alexander von Humboldt-Maghreb Alumni Assosiation c/o Prof. Dr. Faouzi Lakrad University Hassan II – Casablanca Faculty of Sciences Ain Ckock BP 5366 20100 Maarif Casablanca Morocco Phone: (+212) 661465946 Email: faouzi.lakrad[at]univh2c.ma lakrad[at]hotmail.com https://sites.google.com/site/maghrebavhalumniassociation/ |
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Musa Shabat | AvH-Fellow-Club in Gaza c/o Prof. Dr. Mohammed Musa Shabat Islamic University of Gaza Department of Physics P.O.Box 108, Gaza Gaza, Gaza Strip PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY Phone (+972-8) 2863554 Fax (+972-8) 2863552 Email: shabatm[at]googlemail.com |
Sub-Saharan Africa
Prof. Dr. Adjai Paulin Oloukpona-Yinnon | Alexander von Humboldt Alumni Network in West Africa c/o Prof. Dr. Adjai Paulin Oloukpona-Yinnon Université de Lomé Department of German B.P. 1515 Lomé TOGO Phone: (+228) 250748 Email: pyinnon[at]yahoo.fr |
Dr Marta Yifru Tachbelie | Ethiopian Association of Humboldt Fellows (EAHF) |
Prof. Dr. Simeon Fogue Kouam | Humboldt-Club Cameroon c/o Prof. Dr. Simeon Fogue Kouam Université de Yaoundé I Department of Chemistry Higher Teacher Training College P.O.Box 47 Yaoundé CAMEROON Phone: (+237) 694 46 45 35 (+237) 677 25 83 10 Email: kfogue[at]yahoo.com |
Prof. Dr. Zachary Moranga Getenga | Association of Humboldt Fellows in Kenya c/o Prof. Dr. Zachary Moranga Getenga P.O.Box 2602 40100 Kisumu KENYA Phone: (+254-72) 9171505 Email: zgetenga[at]yahoo.com |
Prof. Dr. Paul C. Onyenekwe | Alexander von Humboldt Club of Nigeria c/o Prof. Dr. Paul C. Onyenekwe Sheda Science and Technology Complex Biotechnology Advanced Laboratory PMB 186 Garki Abuja-Garki 900001 NIGERIA E-Mail: pconyenekw[at]yahoo.com |
Prof. Dr. Louis Cloete Jonker | Alexander von Humboldt Association of Southern Africa (AHASA) (Southwestern Chapter) c/o Prof. Dr. Louis Cloete Jonker University of Stellenbosch Faculty of Theology, Department of Old and New Testament 171 Dorp Street Stellenbosch 7600 SOUTH AFRICA Phone: (+27-21) 8083345 E-Mail: lcj[at]sun.ac.za | |
Prof. Dr. Christa Rautenbach | Alexander von Humboldt Association of Southern Africa (AHASA) (North-Eastern Chapter) c/o Prof. Dr. Jean Christoph Sonnekus University of Johannesburg Faculty of Private Law P.O. Box 524 Auckland Park, 2006 SOUTH AFRICA Phone: (+27-11) 4892130 Fax: (+27-11) 4892049 Email: jsonnekus[at]uj.ac.za |
North America
Dr. Chung-Wai Chow | Humboldt Association of Canada c/o Dr. Chung-Wai Chow University of Toronto University Health Network MaRS Centre Toronto Medical Discovery Tower, 101 College Street, TMDT2-406 Toronto, ON M5G 1L7 CANADA Phone: (+1-416) 5817636 Email: chung-wai.chow[at]uhn.ca http://humboldtcanada.com |
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Kennepohl | AvHFoundation-UAlberta-HAC-Initiative http://www.hfloc.ca/ |
Christian Hänel | American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 1233 20th Street NW, Suite 201 Washington, DC 20036 USA Phone: (+1-202) 609-7880 (general) Email: alumni[at]americanfriendsofavh.org https://www.americanfriendsofavh.org |
Central and South America
Prof. Dr. Francisco José Barrantes | Asociación de Alumni de la Fundación Alexander von Humboldt en Argentina Email: francisco_barrantes[at]uca.edu.ar, rtfjb1[at]gmail.com http://uca.edu.ar/es/instituto-de-investigaciones-biomedicas/laboratorios-de-investigacion/laboratorio-de-neurobiologia-molecular |
Prof. Dr. Mônica Santos de Freitas | Clube Humboldt do Brasil c/o Prof. Dr. Mônica Santos de Freitas Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Instituto de Bioquimica Medica Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Predio CCS, Bloco E Rio de Janeiro – RJ 21941-590 BRASILIEN Email: msfreitas[at]bioqmed.ufrj.br https://humboldtbrasil.org/ |
Dr. Fernando E. Pimentel Müller | Humboldt-Club de Chile c/o Dr. Fernando E. Pimentel Müller Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Hospital Clínico Marcoleta 367 P.O. Box 114 D Santiago de Chile CHILE Phone: (+56-2) 3543873 Fax: (+56-2) 6397780 Email: pimentel[at]med.puc.cl |
Dr. Cesar Costa Vera | Humboldt-Alumni-Vereinigung Ecuador c/o Dr. Cesar Costa Vera Escuela Politecnica Nacional Departamento de Fisica 17-12-866 EC170109 Quito ECUADOR Phone: (+593-2) 2567846 Email: cesar.costa[at]epn.edu.ec |
Prof. Dr. Harold Ramkissoon | Humboldt Association of Central America and the Caribbean c/o Prof. Dr. Harold Ramkissoon University of the West Indies Department of Mathematics and Computer Science St. Augustine, Trinidad CARIBBEAN Phone: (+1-868) 6622002 Fax: (+1-868) 6639684 Email: Harold.Ramkissoon[at]sta.uwi.edu |
Prof. Dr. Yenny R. Hernández | Club Alexander von Humboldt de Colombia c/o Prof. Dr. Yenny R. Hernández Universidad de los Andes Departamento de Fisica Carrera 1 Este No. 18A10, Edificio H A.A. 4976 Bogota Bogotá KOLUMBIEN / COLOMBIA Email: yr.hernandez[at]uniandes.edu.co https://sites.google.com/view/club-humboldt-cololombia/Main |
Prof. Dr. Ernesto Estevez Rams | Club Humboldt de Cuba c/o Prof. Dr. Ernesto Estevez Rams Universidad de La Habana Institute of Material Science and Technology (IMRE) San Lazaro y L CP 10400 La Habana CUBA Email: estevez@imre.uh.cu |
Prof. Dr. Gabriel del Rio Guerra | Club Alexander von Humboldt de México c/o Prof. Dr. Gabriel del Rio Guerra Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) Department of biochemistry and structural biology, Institute of cellular physiology Circuito Exterior s/n Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán 04510 Mexico City MEXICO Phone: (+52-55) 56225663 Email: gdelrio[at]ifc.unam.mx https://www.ifc.unam.mx/investigadores/gabriel-delrio |
Prof. Dr. Miguel A. Giusti Hundskopf | Humboldt Club del Peru c/o Prof. Dr. Miguel A. Giusti Hundskopf Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru Departamento de Humanidades Apartado 1761 Lima PERU Phone: (+51-1) 6262000 ext. 4425 Fax: (+51-1) 6262875 Email: mgiusti[at]pucp.edu.pe www.humboldt-club.org.pe |
Prof. Dr. Jesus M. Casal Hernandez | Humboldt-Club Venezuela c/o Prof. Dr. Jesus M. Casal Hernandez Universidad Catolica Andres Bello Facultad de Derecho Montalban-La Vega 1020 Caracas VENEZUELA Phone: (+58-212) 4074196 Fax: (+58-212) 4074397 Email: jcasal[at]ucab.edu.ve |
Australia, New Zealand, Oceania
Prof. Dr. Gabrielle McMullen AM | Australian Association of von Humboldt Fellows c/o Prof. Dr. Gabrielle McMullen AM Australian Catholic University 115 Victoria Parade Fitzroy, VIC 3065 AUSTRALIA Email: gabrielle.mcmullen[at]acu.edu.au www.humboldtaustralia.org.au |
Prof. Dr. Eamonn O’Brien | New Zealand Association of von Humboldt Fellows c/o Prof. Dr. Eamonn O’Brien Department of Mathematics University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland NEW ZEALAND Email: e.obrien[at]auckland.ac.nz www.humboldt.org.nz |