Programme Search

Find the sponsorship that fits your personal career! Whether you are a postdoc at the beginning of your academic career or already a world authority in your discipline – we have the right programme for you. Should your programme search yield both the Humboldt Research Fellowship and the Georg Forster Research Fellowship, please use the Programme Compass for further guidance. It the best possible support when selecting the programme that corresponds most closely to your profile.

24 search results

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Carl-Zeiss-Humboldt Research Award

  • For whom: internationally recognised academics from STEM fields
  • From where: all countries (excluding Germany)
  • For what: 100,000 EUR in award money (research stay of up to 12 months in Germany possible)
Carl-Zeiss-Humboldt Research Award

German Chancellor Fellowship

  • For whom: university graduates with initial leadership experience
  • From where: Brazil, China, India, South Africa, USA
  • For what: 12-month project in Germany
German Chancellor Fellowship

Hezekiah Wardwell Fellowship

  • For whom: musicians or musicologists
  • From where: Spain
  • For what: up to two semesters of an advanced degree programme or further training at an academy of music or a conservatory in Germany
Hezekiah Wardwell Fellowship

Henriette Herz Scouting Programme

  • For whom: outstanding (junior) professors and (junior) research group leaders
  • From where: Germany
  • For what: up to three permissions to recommend candidates for a Humboldt Research Fellowship
Henriette Herz Scouting Programme

International Climate Protection Fellowship

  • For whom: prospective leaders and postdocs with climate expertise
  • From where: non-European developing and transition countries
  • For what: 12–24-month research project in Germany
International Climate Protection Fellowship


  • For whom: doctoral students and doctorate holders from Ukraine
  • From where: Ukraine
  • For what: 6–24-month research stay in EU member states and Horizon Europe associated countries