Programme Search

Find the sponsorship that fits your personal career! Whether you are a postdoc at the beginning of your academic career or already a world authority in your discipline – we have the right programme for you. Should your programme search yield both the Humboldt Research Fellowship and the Georg Forster Research Fellowship, please use the Programme Compass for further guidance. It the best possible support when selecting the programme that corresponds most closely to your profile.

24 search results

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Georg Forster Research Fellowship

  • For whom: postdoctoral and experienced researchers contributing to sustainable development
  • From where: developing or transition countries in accordance with OECD (excluding PR China and India)
  • For what: 6–24-month research stay in Germany
Georg Forster Research Fellowship

Humboldt Research Fellowship

  • For whom: postdoctoral researchers, experienced researchers
  • From where: all countries (excluding Germany)
  • For what: 6–24-month research stay in Germany
Humboldt Research Fellowship

Philipp Franz von Siebold Award

  • For whom: japanese researchers
  • From where: Japan
  • For what: €60,000 award money (research stay of up to 12 months in Germany possible)
Philipp Franz von Siebold Award

Sofja Kovalevskaja Award

  • For whom: top-rank junior researchers
  • From where: - programme closed to new applications -
  • For what: up to €1.65 million for 5 years to head a research group in Germany
Sofja Kovalevskaja Award

Georg Forster Research Award

  • For whom: internationally recognised researchers
  • From where: developing and emerging countries in accordance with OECD (excluding PR China and India)
  • For what: €60,000 award money (research stay of up to 12 months in Germany possible)
Georg Forster Research Award

Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award

  • For whom: internationally recognised researchers
  • From where: all countries (excluding Germany)
  • For what: €45,000 award money (research stay of up to 12 months in Germany possible)
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award

Humboldt Research Award

  • For whom: internationally recognised researchers
  • From where: all countries (excluding Germany)
  • For what: €60,000 award money (research stay of up to 12 months in Germany possible)
Humboldt Research Award

Fraunhofer-Bessel Research Award

  • For whom: internationally recognised researchers working in applied research
  • From where: all countries (excluding Germany)
  • For what: €45,000 award money (research stay of up to 12 months in Germany possible)
Fraunhofer-Bessel Research Award

Konrad Adenauer Research Award

  • For whom: internationally recognised researchers
  • From where: Canada
  • For what: €60,000 award money (up to 12 months research stay in Germany possible)
Konrad Adenauer Research Award