30.000 researchers worldwide belong to the Humboldt Foundation’s network.
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Humboldt Professorship Germany’s most valuable research award brings top international researchers to German universities.
Michaela Mahlberg | Applied linguistics
Language is the key to the world. Michaela Mahlberg uses computer-aided, quantitative linguistic methods to study huge bodies of text, not least with regard to the social function of language. At the new centre of Digital Humanities and Social Studies she will explore the social dimension of the datafication and algorithmisation of culture and society. more
Fatih Ömer İlday | Physics & materials science
F. Ömer İlday has played a seminal role in developing ultrafast laser technology, transforming the field of non-linear laser-matter interactions in the last few years. He is now invited to join Ruhr University Bochum to explore new research fields in materials science and establish a world-class research centre. more
Ariel Dora Stern | Health economics
Germany has a highly efficient health service but is not in the international vanguard according to health system research. Ariel Dora Stern, one of the few researchers with a global reputation in the field, is now invited to Potsdam to drive this highly relevant and promising field of research, which has been underrepresented in Germany to date. more
Suvrit Sra | Mathematics and machine learning
When mathematics meets AI, and optimisation, machine learning: mathematician Suvrit Sra’s fundamental works on methods of optimisation have made a seminal and incomparable contribution to the theoretical understanding and continued development of learning systems. The Technical University of Munich wants to harness the Humboldt Professorship for Artificial Intelligence to expand its leading position in the field of artificial intelligence. more
Arnim Wiek | Sustainability research
Arnim Wiek is a world leader in sustainability science and has played a seminal role in shaping its development. At the University of Freiburg, Wiek is invited to establish a Center for Sustainable Food Economy that will create synergies between existing research activities both there and at other universities in the tri-national Upper Rhein region. He will also help to reinforce efforts to internationalise sustainability research in Germany. more
As Humboldtians, they are all members of the Humboldt Family: currently sponsorship recipients and alumni from more than 140 countries, including 61 Nobel Laureates.
The Humboldt Foundation
- We sponsor researchers, regardless of discipline and nationality.
- We strengthen Germany as a research location through international academic exchange.
- We support our fellows and award winners for their entire lifetime.
- We campaign for international understanding, scientific progress and development.
We sponsor people, not projects. Find the right programme for you.
Research the global Humboldt Network.
Research the global Humboldt Network. Our database includes most of the Humboldt Foundation’s 30,000 sponsorship recipients worldwide.
800 awards and fellowships are granted by the Humboldt Foundation every year.
“Mathematics offers huge optimization potential to the African people.”
Humboldt Geography of Knowledge Where do most of the successful applicants and nominees come from and where are the Foundation’s alumni doing their research today?
Humboldt is everywhere
Awards all round: AI in mathematics, microscopy and climate research
Geordie Williamson receives the Max Planck-Humboldt Research Award 2024, and Max Planck-Humboldt Medals go to Laura Waller and Torsten Hoefler
Language of Justice
Cameroon's only forensic linguist is fighting for easy language in courts and interpreters in trials, wants to change the legal system and spark the enthusiasm of more researchers in her field.
Bonn Humboldt Award Winners’ Forum: Global Perspectives on Kant
Kant’s philosophy from a non-European and post-colonial viewpoint
Every year in August, our current Humboldt Fellows are invited on a two-week tour through Germany – the #AvHStudyTour. We are happy that you enjoyed it, dear Humboldtians, and thank you for the great pictures you sent us!
Kosmos Lecture at the Humboldt Foundation’s summer reception
The South African researcher Daya Reddy to speak on inclusivity in global science and scholarship
Resilient science for a changing world
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation launches new strategy
2024 Humboldt Alumni Award winners selected
Awards for the best networking initiatives.
Network meeting of German science abroad: GAIN conference for science careers
The German Academic International Network (GAIN) invites early career researchers to the 24th GAIN Annual Meeting in San Francisco from 23 to 25 August.
How can we live a sustainable life in harmony with nature? The participants in the 2024 #HumboldtResidencyProgramme, Adenike Adebukola Akinsemolu and Christer de Silva, find the answers in indigenous communities. Read more in our Residency Diary!
Language of Justice
Cameroon's only forensic linguist is fighting for easy language in courts and interpreters in trials, wants to change the legal system and spark the enthusiasm of more researchers in her field.
2024 Humboldt Alumni Award winners selected
Awards for the best networking initiatives.
Fossils and Diversity: research for progress
Palaeontology fellow in Berlin: Iris Menéndez Gonzálezs uncovers fossils and exposes unconscious stereotypes.
Reaching for the stars
Eliana Masha is investigating what is going on inside the sun. The nuclear astrophysicist wants to determine the origins of the universe and show that anyone can become a researcher.
The Philipp Franz von Siebold Award Winner 2024
The distinguished astrophysicist Naoki Yoshida receives the 2024 Philipp Franz von Siebold Award.
Research with a family: the sound of diversity
With her research in Oldenburg, neuroscientist and Humboldtian Hanin Karawani Khoury wants to make her voice heard - for older people worldwide and for more diversity in science.
From Cameroon to Karlsruhe: forging ahead
The Georg Forster Fellow and taxonomist, Jeanne Agrippine Yetchom Fondjo, is conducting research on grasshoppers and biodiversity at the State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe. She hopes her work will be a source of inspiration and attract more women to science.
All the rights in the world
Through her work, the Venezuelan lawyer and professor for international private law María Julia Ochoa Jiménez wants to help de-colonise legal thought and reinforce the rights of Indigenous communities.
Canadian geophysicist honored
Mark Jellinek receives this year's Konrad Adenauer Research Award.
Awards all round: AI in mathematics, microscopy and climate research
Geordie Williamson receives the Max Planck-Humboldt Research Award 2024, and Max Planck-Humboldt Medals go to Laura Waller and Torsten Hoefler
Bonn Humboldt Award Winners’ Forum: Global Perspectives on Kant
Kant’s philosophy from a non-European and post-colonial viewpoint
Kosmos Lecture at the Humboldt Foundation’s summer reception
The South African researcher Daya Reddy to speak on inclusivity in global science and scholarship
Resilient science for a changing world
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation launches new strategy
Network meeting of German science abroad: GAIN conference for science careers
The German Academic International Network (GAIN) invites early career researchers to the 24th GAIN Annual Meeting in San Francisco from 23 to 25 August.
Humboldt Research Hubs in Africa
Interim assessment draws positive balance and recommends continued funding.
2024 Humboldt Residency Programme
Power and Knowledge – Confronting Global Imbalances in Our Knowledge Systems
Carl-Zeiss-Humboldt Research Award 2024
Kim Meow Liew from City University of Hong Kong to receive research award that comes with €100,000 in funding
“With freedom comes responsibility”
Federal President Steinmeier at the Humboldt Foundation’s Annual Meeting
Every year in August, our current Humboldt Fellows are invited on a two-week tour through Germany – the #AvHStudyTour. We are happy that you enjoyed it, dear Humboldtians, and thank you for the great pictures you sent us!
How can we live a sustainable life in harmony with nature? The participants in the 2024 #HumboldtResidencyProgramme, Adenike Adebukola Akinsemolu and Christer de Silva, find the answers in indigenous communities. Read more in our Residency Diary!
When one journey ends, another begins... Our Chancellor Fellows 23/24 are on the home stretch of their stay in Germany. We wish all of you the best of luck in your future endeavours. Stay in touch!
"Interchange among researchers can give rise to different perspectives that expand our inherent experiences and standpoints." #Humboldtian Dhanasree Jayaram on her experiences with Science Diplomacy and why it is so important.
Building bridges – that's not only the goal of the Humboldt Foundation, but also of our annual meeting! A huge thank you to all Humboldtians who made this event what it is: a celebration of the Humboldt Family!
Rebuilding Ukraine together: Robert Schlögl, President of the Humboldt Foundation, discusses the role of culture and education at the Ukraine Recovery Conference #URC2024.
"#Diversity is a great resource, a great originator of creativity!" Für Humboldt-Professor Ömer Ilday und uns als Stiftung ist #Diversität in der Wissenschaft unerlässlich. #StimmeFürVielfalt am Deutschen Diversity-Tag 2024.
Apply now: We invite early career researchers from the USA & Germany to participate in the German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium on “A Digitally Connected World”!
"We can’t understand reality without talking about it." Linguist Michaela Mahlberg studies the social function of language. She is one of 12 top researchers who will be awarded a Humboldt Professorship on 13 May!
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Georg Forster Research Fellowship
The Fellowship for postdoctoral and experienced researchers from developing and emerging countries who are contributing to sustainable development. The sponsorship is equivalent to the Humboldt Research Fellowship.