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How can we recognise outstanding research achievements? In science and research, we still often apply quantitative and bibliometric data, such as the number of citations or publications, to measure performance. The Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) is seeking to reform the standard methods of evaluating research. It campaigns for the inclusion of more qualitative aspects in order to take greater account of the broad spectrum of contributions made by researchers when assessing their research. More than 700 research institutions in over 50 countries around the world have become members of CoARA.
The Humboldt Foundation has also joined the network and is a co-signatory to the international agreement to reform the evaluation of research, co-initiated by the European Commission. By doing so, the Foundation wants to play an active role in the conversation at European and international level and to help shape the general conditions for evaluating research. Sharing ideas in the German and international science systems also enables the Foundation to continue developing its own differentiated, inclusive, effective concept of quality as well as the implications for selection, sponsorship and networking.
The Humboldt Foundation sees its engagement in CoARA and related activities as a contribution to implementing its new strategy “Resilient Science for a Changing World” (2024-2028) and its “Agenda for Lived Diversity.”