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Humboldt Professorship: International researchers at German universities
Michaela Mahlberg | Applied linguistics
Language is the key to the world. Michaela Mahlberg uses computer-aided, quantitative linguistic methods to study huge bodies of text, not least with regard to the social function of language. At the new centre of Digital Humanities and Social Studies she will explore the social dimension of the datafication and algorithmisation of culture and society. more
Fatih Ömer İlday | Physics & materials science
F. Ömer İlday has played a seminal role in developing ultrafast laser technology, transforming the field of non-linear laser-matter interactions in the last few years. He is now invited to join Ruhr University Bochum to explore new research fields in materials science and establish a world-class research centre. more
Ariel Dora Stern | Health economics
Germany has a highly efficient health service but is not in the international vanguard according to health system research. Ariel Dora Stern, one of the few researchers with a global reputation in the field, is now invited to Potsdam to drive this highly relevant and promising field of research, which has been underrepresented in Germany to date. more
Suvrit Sra | Mathematics and machine learning
When mathematics meets AI, and optimisation, machine learning: mathematician Suvrit Sra’s fundamental works on methods of optimisation have made a seminal and incomparable contribution to the theoretical understanding and continued development of learning systems. The Technical University of Munich wants to harness the Humboldt Professorship for Artificial Intelligence to expand its leading position in the field of artificial intelligence. more
Arnim Wiek | Sustainability research
Arnim Wiek is a world leader in sustainability science and has played a seminal role in shaping its development. At the University of Freiburg, Wiek is invited to establish a Center for Sustainable Food Economy that will create synergies between existing research activities both there and at other universities in the tri-national Upper Rhein region. He will also help to reinforce efforts to internationalise sustainability research in Germany. more