Humboldt Professorships 2009-2025

The Alexander von Humboldt Professorship has now attracted more than 100 top international researchers from abroad to German universities. Each year, up to ten Humboldt Professorships can be awarded to researchers from all disciplines. From 2020 to 2024, up to 30 additional Humboldt Professorships in the field of Artificial Intelligence can be awarded.

Sorted by: chronological
Portraitbild eines braunhaarigen Mannes mit Brille, der in die Kamera lächelt

Arend Bayer

2025: Mathematics

Porträt von Dana Branzei

Dana Branzei

2025: Molecular biology

Daniel Kráľ

2025: Mathematics / Computer science

Porträt von Ingrid Piller

Ingrid Piller

2025: Sociolinguistics

Portraitbild einer braunhaarigen Frau mit dem dreieckigen Logo von "AHP-KI" oben links im Bild

Sandra Wachter

2025: Law

Fatih Ömer İlday

2024: Physics / Materials science

Michaela Mahlberg

2024: Applied linguistics

Eva Pils

2024: International public law

J. Daniel Prades

2024: Electronic technology