Philipp Franz von Siebold Award

For whom
japanese researchers
From where
For what
€80,000 award money (research stay of up to 12 months in Germany possible)
Zebrastreifen mit Menschenmengen, Symbolbild Philipp-Franz-von-Siebold-Preis

Research award for renowned Japanese researchers

Natural scientist Philipp Franz von Siebold (1796–1866) is considered the founder of international Japanology. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has been presenting the Philipp Franz von Siebold Award since 1979. Sponsored by the president of the Federal Republic of Germany, this research award recognises renowned Japanese researchers in all disciplines.

For details please see the programme information for the Philipp Franz von Siebold Award.

The sponsorship

The award amount is €80,000. Award winners are also invited to conduct a research project of their choice at a research institution in Germany in cooperation with specialist colleagues there. The award enables a stay of between six months and a full year, which can be split into multiple stays.

We strive to offer our guest researchers individualised support and funding. Amongst the benefits available to award winners are invitations to numerous events or the opportunity to attend language courses. Our alumni sponsorship measures flexibly support every Humboldtian’s individual journey through life, in both their careers and their future collaborations.

Who may submit a nomination?

Eligible to submit nominations for the Philipp Franz von Siebold Award are the following groups of people:

  • Presidents of all universities and national research organisations (kenkyu kaihatsu houjin) in Japan;
  • Siebold award winners
  • Directors of the Goethe-Instituts in Japan
  • Directors of the German Institute for Japanese Studies
  • The Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kobe/Osaka
  • The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Tokyo

Alumni of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation may suggest suitable candidates for the award to the executive committee of a Japanese university or the management of a research organisation. The nomination documents must be submitted directly to the responsible regional office of the German Academic Exchange Service in Tokyo.

DAAD Tokyo Office
Akasaka 7-5-56
Tokyo 107-0052
Tel.: (03 ) 3582 -5962 Fax.: (+49 (0)228) 3582-5554
E-mail: daad-tokyo[at]

For more information please see the corresponding DAAD website.

Who may be nominated?

Eligible for an award are researchers who have made outstanding contributions to a better mutual understanding of culture and society in Germany and Japan. The nominee’s academic achievements must moreover be internationally recognised and demonstrated through corresponding successful research. The nominee should be no older than 50 years and additionally meet the following criteria:

  • The nominee must have lived and worked in Japan for at least five years at the time of nomination.
  • The nominee must not previously have received an award for her/his academic achievements from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
  • The nominee should not recently have received awards or fellowships in Germany for her/his academic achievements.
  • The nominee must not have held or accepted permanent employment in Germany at the time of selection.
  • The nominee should have a working knowledge of German.

Self-nominations are not possible, nor may you nominate close relatives or your marital/registered partner. We particularly encourage the nomination of qualified female researchers.

The selection procedure

An independent Selection Committee chooses an award winner once a year. This Committee is comprised of the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Japan, three presidents of Japanese universities (or individuals of comparable status), a Siebold award winner, three further alumni of the Humboldt Foundation and the management of the DAAD regional office in Tokyo, among others. The Committee’s decision is based on the assessment of the candidates’ academic qualifications and their contributions to mutual understanding between the two cultures and societies.


Nominees must always abide by the rules of good scientific practice (PDF) and the principles of scientific ethics. The foundation provides information on dealing with generative AI in the selection area.


Nominations for the Philipp Franz von Siebold Award may be made by the heads of all universities or national research organisations (kenkyu kaihatsu houjin) in Japan; Siebold Award winners; the directors of the Goethe Institutes and the German Institute for Japanese Studies in Japan; furthermore, the Consul General and the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Japan.

Alumni of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation may suggest suitable candidates for the award to the executive committee of a Japanese university or the management of a research organisation.

Self-nomination is not possible, nor may you nominate close relatives or your marital/registered partner.

No. However, at the time of the nomination nominees should be no older than 50.

Career breaks to raise children can be taken into account; please outline these in the nomination documents.

The voluntary disclosure of private circumstances may help increase equal opportunities during the selection process. The consideration of personal circumstances allows for a fairer assessment of academic achievements.


Yes. The assessment of academic achievements is always made on an individual basis. Therefore, when filling in the application form, please specify all periods in which the nominee partially or completely interrupted academic activities after finishing a doctorate in order to rear children.

The voluntary disclosure of private circumstances may help increase equal opportunities during the selection process. The consideration of personal circumstances allows for a fairer assessment of academic achievements.

Please contact daad-tokyo[at] if you have any questions.


Yes. The assessment of academic achievements is always made on an individual basis. Therefore, when filling in the application form, please specify all periods in which the nominee partially or completely interrupted academic activities after finishing a doctorate in order to perform military or alternative service, to care for close relatives or due to long-term illness. Job hunting, unemployment and non-academic employment do not count as career breaks.

The voluntary disclosure of private circumstances may help increase equal opportunities during the selection process. The consideration of personal circumstances allows for a fairer assessment of academic achievements.

Please contact daad-tokyo[at] if you have any questions.


Yes. There are no quotas for specific subjects. Nominations can be made in any academic discipline.


Academics who have already received a (research) fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation are eligible for nomination. A nomination is possible five years after completion of initial sponsorship (if applicable, including extension) in a fellowship programme at the earliest, and will typically occur later.

Academics who have already received a (research) award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation are not eligible for nomination.


At the time of nomination, the nominated candidate must have been predominantly living and working in Japan for at least five years. Previous and short-term stays in Germany (such as visiting professorships) do not usually exclude a candidate from nomination. The nominee must not have held or accepted permanent employment in Germany at the time of selection. In cases of doubt, please contact us at daad-tokyo[at] so we can advise you.


You may nominate academics with German citizenship if they have been working in Japan in an academic position for at least five years. Please send us a CV and a list of publications before you nominate the candidate so we can advise you: daad-tokyo[at]

Scientists and scholars of non-Japanese citizenship may be nominated for the Philipp Franz von Siebold Award, if they have been predominantly living and working in Japan for at least five years. In cases of doubt, please contact us and send the potential candidate’s curriculum vitae and publication list to us at: daad-tokyo[at] so we can advise you.

Nomination is possible if a doctorate is either not customary or not possible in the nominee's country of origin or discipline, and if the nominee can prove that his or her academic performance is equivalent to a Ph.D., e.g. by academic publications for internationally reviewed journals and publishing houses.


The award amount is €80,000.


The award money is paid in instalments. The first instalment is normally transferred to the cashier’s office of the host university at the beginning of the research stay in Germany and can be collected there by the award winner.

For the payment of further instalments, award winners are asked to open an account at a bank of their choice as soon as possible after arriving in Germany, and to provide the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation with their account number, bank address and bank code.

The research award is granted in recognition of the academic achievements and the personality of the award winner and may only be claimed by the award winner personally. Similarly, payment of the award amount may also only be made to the award winner personally and exclusively. Claims to the award may not be transferred.


Award winners are responsible for all matters pertaining to their taxation.

However, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation would like to point out that according to German tax law, awards are not usually subject to income tax in Germany if they are primarily granted in recognition of the award winner's lifetime achievement or entire academic work, personality, convictions, or function as a role-model. This is precisely the intention of the Humboldt Foundation in granting the Philipp Franz von Siebold Award, which honours the entire life's work of award winners in their capacity as internationally outstanding researchers who have made exceptional contributions to better mutual cultural and societal understanding in Germany and Japan. Japanese legislation may contain special regulations on the taxation of awards. If in doubt, a tax accountant in Japan should be consulted.


As soon as the DAAD Regional Office in Tokyo has received your nomination we will notify you by e-mail. We will also notify you if any important documents or information are missing from your nomination.


Unless you expressly object, your nomination documents will be archived for a period of seven years and then destroyed in a manner compliant with data protection regulations. All documents are, of course, treated with utmost confidentiality. Peer reviewers and committee members are also obliged to observe strict confidentiality.


Yes. Nominations can be submitted until the deadline given on the website of the DAAD Regional Office in Tokyo. For more information on the current call for nominations please visit


An independent Selection Committee chaired by the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Japan meets once a year in spring to decide on the submitted nominations.


The nominee should have a working knowledge of German. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation moreover strongly encourages its award winners and their partners to learn German during their research stay so that they can participate in social and cultural life in Germany beyond their research work. Upon request, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation can pay the cost of a German language course.


Your nomination will be reviewed by independent peer reviewers who are appointed by the DAAD Regional Office in Tokyo for this purpose.


The final decision on all nominations is made by the Selection Committee that is appointed by the DAAD Regional Office in Tokyo for this purpose.


The Selection Committee consists of academics and researchers from a variety of disciplines and a smaller number of members who are not associated with any specific discipline. This committee is comprised of the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Japan, three presidents of Japanese universities (or individuals of comparable status), a Siebold award winner, three further alumni of the Humboldt Foundation and the management of the DAAD Regional Office in Tokyo, among others. The Selection Committee decides on all submitted applications. An award is granted if two thirds of the committee members vote in favour of an application. Neither the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation nor the DAAD Regional Office in Tokyo have a vote on the Selection Committee.

The nominee will not be informed of a rejection. Communication during the selection process takes place between the DAAD Regional Office in Tokyo and the nominator only. In case an award is conferred, the winner will receive the award documents approximately four weeks after the selection meeting.


Yes, if the nominee has shown significant academic development since their previous nomination was rejected for reasons pertaining to their academic achievements.


The research stay in Germany should start within 12 months after conferral, if possible. The date must be agreed with an academic host in Germany in advance.


The duration of the research stay of up to one full year may be divided into segments. However, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation will only cover travel costs once. Please inform the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation about the time schedule for the research stay early on so that all necessary preparations can be made in good time.


Should the award winner wish to teach during the research stay, he or she may do so.


The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation pays a lump sum to cover the Siebold award winner's travel costs (return tickets). The conferral documents contain information on lump sums for travel. The relevant sum will be transferred to the award winner's German bank account (which the award winner will have to open) after the research stay in Germany has begun.

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation can only cover the costs of one return journey, regardless of the number of trips to and from Germany.

A lump sum towards the travel costs of marital partners and children under the age of 18 accompanying the award winner may be granted if they stay with the Siebold award winner in Germany for at least six months. Fifty per cent of the lump sum will be paid for children between the ages of two and eleven, ten per cent for children under the age of two. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation will not cover any additional expenses for the transportation of luggage.


Towards the end of the research stay, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation asks Siebold award winners to give personal feedback about their experiences in Germany and to describe their impressions of academic collaboration and daily life in Germany. For this purpose, the award winners will receive an e-mail in good time that contains a password-secured web link to an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation online questionnaire. With regard to the content of the report, comparisons with conditions in the award winners’ own countries are of particular interest. Comments on the design and organisation of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsorship and funding programmes are welcome.

Similarly, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation also asks academic hosts in Germany to report on how they have experienced cooperation with the award winners.


This programme is financed by

All awards and grants