Dear reader,

Our campaign #ProgressDiversity is being launched this spring: Why is greater diversity needed in science and academia? The current issue of our Foundation’s magazine “Humboldt Kosmos” revolves around this question. We are also discussing it on Twitter at the hashtag #ProgressDiversity. We are currently not the only ones to employ this hashtag: Many supporters are also making use of it to advance the issue of diversity in science and academia.

This also fits in well with an anniversary we are currently celebrating: The Philipp Schwartz Initiative which offers at-risk researchers a safe haven at German universities is five years old this year. Back when the initiative was established, we were the first research organisation in Germany to offer such a programme. It is clear today that this initiative and its fellows have been an enormous gain for German science and its diversity. You can read about all of this and more in our newsletter.

We wish you enjoyable reading!

Forerunner for academic freedom: The Philipp Schwartz Initiative marks fifth anniversary

By creating the Philipp Schwartz Initiative, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation became Germany’s first research organisation to establish a funding programme to protect researchers who are persecuted and at threat. Since its creation, the programme has set a precedent nationally and internationally.

#ProgressDiversity: Why science needs more diversity

Looking around the world, you’ll note that diversity can mean entirely different things, from country to country. The latest issue of Humboldt Kosmos marks the launch of the #ProgressDiversity campaign and offers ideas and comments from the Foundation’s worldwide network.

Science Selfies – Research made in Africa

In our series Science Selfies, Humboldtians from various African countries are allowing us to look behind the scenes in their offices and labs. In the first episode, Professor Francine Ntoumi explains why she returned to her home country, the Republic of Congo.

Stable connections

No one knows yet how the pandemic will impact the careers of young researchers. We portray Feodor Lynen Fellows and show how they deal with the challenges facing them when conducting research in a foreign country during the corona pandemic.

German Chancellor Fellowships now open to South Africa too

With immediate effect, young professionals from South Africa are invited to apply for a German Chancellor Fellowship. Previously, only talented individuals from Brazil, China, India, Russia and the USA were eligible to apply.

Promoting mathematics research in Africa

The funding period for German Research Chairs at AIMS Centres has been extended to six years – Applications are invited for the new chair at the AIMS Centre in Ghana.

Communication Lab: Prizes awarded to winners of the second round

The best three works of journalism from the second round of the Communication Lab for Exchange between Research and Media have been awarded by the Humboldt Foundation and the International Journalists’ Programmes organisation. Learn more about the selected projects here.

How Humboldt Scouts want to make the network even more diverse

For the first time, 33 Humboldt Scouts have embarked on a search for research fellows for their respective teams and the Humboldt Foundation’s network of excellence. Here, two of these scouts report on how they go about their search for talent.

In tandem to Germany – Special Alumni Sponsorship for Humboldtians in Latin America

The Humboldt Foundation is inviting alumni of the Humboldt Research Fellowship programme from Central and South America to pursue a further research stay in Germany. Selected researchers can be accompanied by a junior researcher.

Artificial Intelligence for Psychiatry

The benefit of knowledge exchange: Alexander von Humboldt Professor Peter Dayan on how he wants to link machine learning with psychiatry resesarch.

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Jean-Paul-Str. 12
53173 Bonn

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Georg Scholl (responsible)
Alexandra Hostert
Teresa Havlicek
Lisa Purzitza

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