
Communication Lab: Prizes awarded to winners of the second round

The best three works of journalism from the second round of the Communication Lab for Exchange between Research and Media have been awarded €500 each by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the International Journalists’ Programmes organisation.

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The selected works impressed the jury with their originality in the form and choice of the medium used and with their successful interweaving of scientific facts and story.

Saturn-ähnliches Dekortationsbild

Humboldt Communication Lab for Exchange between Research and Media

Further information on ComLab and the best three works

Advancing research communication

Cash prizes for the best three submissions went to:

  • the Danish journalist Lise Josefsen Hermann for her multimedia report “Climate Stories: Connecting Voices in the Climate Debate”
  • the Lithuanian journalist Inga Janiulyte for her radio report “Honey and Climate in the Phillippines”  
  • the Croatian journalist Katarina Gulan for her podcast “Climate Critters”

The winning submissions were produced as part of the first Communication Lab for Exchange between Research and Media which was held as a virtual workshop from 24 to 26 November.


Working in collaboration with the International Journalists’ Programmes organisation, the Humboldt Foundation regularly offers ten individuals it sponsors the opportunity to discuss the challenges involved in communicating scientific information and turn ideas they have for science communication into reality in joint projects with journalists through its series of Communication Lab for Exchange between Research and Media workshops. These workshops aim to increase awareness among journalists and researchers of what is expected of one another, what makes for successful collaboration between journalists and researchers, and what constitutes good science communication.

The next Communication Lab is scheduled to be held in summer 2021, again in the form of a virtual workshop.

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