Humboldtians In Private In the USA, nobody asks where I come from Dr Serge Alain Fobofou Tanemossu earned his doctorate in chemistry at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry in…
Focus Long live diversity The more heterogeneous the researchers in a team, the more creative the results. A journey round the world discovering…
Focus "It is not enough simply to say, it is as it is!” Excellence and diversity are not a contradiction in terms, according to Hans-Christian Pape. A conversation about the…
Opinion On no account a monoculture In the German science system, opportunities are not fairly distributed. It is time for change. By Jan-Martin Wiarda
Brief Enquiries What can stop you, Mr Guck? Recently, it was the 30th anniversary of my accident. I have now been in a wheelchair for almost twice as long as I was…
Brief Enquiries How did you become Ethiopia’s first female Professor, Ms Mekonnen? When I went to Germany in 1988 to do my dissertation, that was totally unusual for a woman from Ethiopia.
Brief Enquiries How stony was the path to mathematical heights? Where we lived was completely cut off from the outside world. There was no electricity and no transport connections.
Brief Enquiries Mr Mole, how do queer people fare in exile? Even as a child I used to ask myself how people in different societies lived together and why things in other countries…
Brief Enquiries Ms Ombaka, what’s it like being a single parent and a researcher? My story begins four years ago. Three things happened in my life all at once: I was offered a new job at my university…
Close up on research The hidden costs of violence The Humboldt Professor Anke Hoeffler studies the causes of violence – whether in civil wars or people’s own homes – and…
Focus on Germany Making the climb hard Working-class children who reach the top in academia – that’s the exception in Germany. The experiences of one who…
The faces of the Foundation No need of words to understand each other I work on the Philipp Schwartz Initiative that offers at-risk researchers a safe haven at German universities. I manage…