Dear reader,

Five internationally renown researchers were recently selected to receive a Humboldt Professorship, Germany’s most valuable research award. These individuals were nominated for the award by research institutes in Cologne, Karlsruhe, Kiel, Münster and Tübingen. Following the successful conclusion of their negotiations with these institutes, the recipients will establish new chairs in their respective field: biophysics, chemistry, developmental biology, quantum communication and sustainability governance.

Forty researchers and journalists from 28 countries gathered for the 9th Communication Lab “Conflict Zones of Freedom” where they shared information and worked out ideas on how sensitive issues such as migration, climate change and AI can be better communicated. A digital humanities researcher, an environmental scientist and an economist together with their journalist partners were singled out by an international jury for an award.

Also in this newsletter: More on the new flexible fellowship guidelines, the first Humboldt Hackathon in Berlin and our programmes’ latest informational events. We wish you an enjoyable read!

Humboldt Residency Programme 2024

What could a fairer global exchange of knowledge look like? Here you can find the results of this year's residency programme, including a policy paper with recommendations for research organisations to promote equitable research internationalisation.

Five new Alexander von Humboldt Professors selected

Germany’s most valuable research award to go to Cologne, Karlsruhe, Kiel, Münster and Tübingen. A Humboldt Professorship offers not only optimal conditions but also maximum flexibility for conducting leading-edge research in Germany.

Ryan Sweke – German Research Chair at AIMS South Africa

"AIMS South Africa is a very special place." Learn more about Ryan Sweke, his research field of quantum machine learning and the German Research Chairs.

Humboldt Fellowships – even more flexible

The Humboldt Foundation is making its research fellowships even more attractive – ranging from higher fellowship rates and additional benefits for people with disabilities to equality for unmarried couples.

Conflict zones of freedom – how can we communicate migration, climate change & AI?

At ComLab#9 (19 to 22 September), 40 researchers and journalists from 28 countries around the world shared ideas on better ways of communicating sensitive topics like migration, climate change and AI.

Wealth of ideas: The first Humboldt Hackathon in Berlin

Under the banner “Mobilizing diverse minds across the globe”, the Foundation recently conducted the first Humboldt Hackathon where Fellows discussed new ways to make full use of the potential offered by the Humboldt Network.

Mentoring for women in the Humboldt Network

Women Forward – The 2024 Humboldt Mentoring Program brought more than 100 women from the Humboldt Network together to work on career issues. The programme will be offered again in 2025.

Global Health – Why communication is key

What is the status quo in the field of global health communication? This was the subject of discussion amongst researchers and journalists at the World Health Summit 2024.

Recent calls for applications and nominations

Become a member of the Humboldt Family or nominate international researchers! We sponsor academic collaborations between foreign and German researchers by granting research fellowships and awards. These programmes are currently being offered:

  International Climate Protection Fellowship
  Philipp Franz von Siebold Award
  Humboldt Alumni Award

Online information events – How to become part of the Humboldt Network

Humboldt Discoveries is a series of events for applicants, hosts and nominators. Join us online and get all the information you need about the Foundation’s programmes. The next info events:

  Henriette Herz Scouting Programme
  CAPES-Humboldt Research Fellowships
  Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Jean-Paul-Str. 12
53173 Bonn

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Kristine Logemann
Lisa Purzitza
Stefan Wünsche

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