Information on expert reviews

Expert reviews in the Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme

To be able to apply for a Humboldt Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, interested applicants must provide references as part of their application. If you would like to support a researcher with above-average qualifications by writing an expert review, please follow the instructions below.

Saturn-ähnliches Dekortationsbild

Please refer to our website or the Humboldt Research Fellowship programme information to find out exactly what is required of the applicants.

Humboldt Research Fellowship – website
Programme information (PDF, 123 KB)

How to proceed

Your assessment of the applicant plays an important role in the review.

Please write your statement using the list of questions for expert reviews (PDF). Please answer all the questions in detail, in German or English, and in the given order where possible. You should then upload this document in a protected area. The applicant will send you the corresponding link to this area in an email. Your statement will, of course, be treated as confidential.

Please note

Without your expert review, the application is incomplete and cannot be submitted. We therefore recommend that you upload your review as soon as possible after being notified by the applicant.

Once all completed application documents have been submitted and checked for eligibility, we forward them to external peer reviewers. General information on the selection procedure can be found in the Selection procedure timeline.