Prof. Dr. Joseph Edward Wright Mornin


Academic positionEmeritus
Research fieldsModern German Literature,Art History
Keywords19. Jahrhundert, Romantik, Deutsche Literatur, Icongraphy of Christian saints

Current contact address

InstitutionUniversity of British Columbia
InstituteDepartment of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies

Host during sponsorship

Prof. Dr. Paul BöckmannInstitut für Germanistik, Universität zu Köln, Köln
Prof. Dr. Volker HoffmanInstitut für Deutsche Philologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), München
Start of initial sponsorship01/10/1964


1964Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme

Publications (partial selection)

2007Joseph Edward Wright Mornin: 'Die Sage will ihr Recht. Ich schreit ihr nach.' Timelessness and Topicality in Chamisso's 'Deutsche Volkssagen'. In: Thomas Salumets, Marketa Goetz-Stankiewicz, A Transatlantic Gathering - Essays in Honour of Peter Stenberg. iudicium, 2007. 288-296
2002Joseph Edward Wright Mornin: Through Alien Eyes. Peter Lang AG, 2002