Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Abd El Moein Mahmoud Nawwar


Research fieldsPharmacy,Organic Molecular Chemistry
KeywordsNatural products structural analysis

Current contact address

CityDokki, Giza
InstitutionNational Research Center (NRC)
InstituteDepartment of Phytochemistry, Division of Pharmaceutical Industries

Host during sponsorship

Prof. Dr. Joachim BuddrusInstitut für Spektrochemie, Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften -ISAS- e.V., Dortmund
Start of initial sponsorship01/05/1980


1979Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme

Publications (partial selection)

2014Mahmoud Abd El Moein Mahmoud Nawwar M. A. Nawwar, N. A. Youb, M. A. El-Raey, S. S. Zaghloul, A. M. Hashem, E. S. Mostafa, O. Eldahshan, V. Werner, A. Becker, B. Haertel4, U. Lindequist, M. W. Linscheid: Polyphenols in Ammania auriculata: Structures, antioxidative activity and cytotoxicity. In: Pharmazie, 2014, 860-864
2014Mahmoud Nawwar, Amani El-Mousallami, Sahar Hussein, Amani Hashem, Mona Mousa, Ulrike Lindequist, and Michael Linscheid: Three New Di-O-glycosyl-C-glucosyl Flavones from the Leaves of Caesalpinia ferrea Mart. In: Z. Naturforsch. 69c Proof number C4113, 1 – 6 (2014) / DOI: 10.5560/ZNC.2014-0113 Received June 17 / August 8, 2014 / published online, 2014,
2013Mahmoud Abd El Moein Mahmoud Nawwar Mahmoud A. Nawwar, Noha F. Swilam, Amani N. Hashim, Ahmed M. Al-Abd, Ashraf B. Abdel-Naim and Ulrike Lindequist: Cytotoxic isoferulic acidamide from Myricaria germanica (Tamaricaceae). In: Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2013, 33-41