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Research fields | Plasma Physics |
Keywords | plasma, gas discharges |
Current contact address
Country | Romania |
City | Bucharest |
Institution | Induced Gamma Emission Foundation |
Homepage | www.utdallas.edu/research/quantum/JournalRanking/ |
Host during sponsorship
Prof. Dr. Walter Lochte-Holtgreven | Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel |
Start of initial sponsorship | 01/10/1967 |
1968 | Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme |
Publications (partial selection)
2002 | C.B. Collins, N.C. Zoita, A.C. Rusu, M.C. Iosif, D.T Camase, F. Davanloo, S. Emura, T. Uruga, R. Dussart, J.M. Pouvesle, C.A. Ur, I.I. Popescu, V.I. Kirischuk, N.V. Strilchuk, F.J. Agee: Tunable synchrotron radiation used to induce gamma-emission from the 31 year isomer of 178Hf. In: Europhysics Letters, 2002, 677-682 |
2001 | Ioan-Iovitz Popescu: Journal Ranking and Average Impact Factors of Basic and Allied Sciences. Editura Horia Hulubei, 2001 |