Prof. Dr. Liliana del Carmen Arrachea


Academic positionFull Professor
Research fieldsExperimental Condensed Matter Physics,Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
KeywordsTopological systems, Quantum hall, Quantum transport, Quantum dynamics

Current contact address

CitySan Martin
InstitutionUniversidad Nacional de San Martin

Host during sponsorship

Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz BennemannInstitut für Theorie der Kondensierten Materie, Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Peter FuldeMax-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden
Prof. Dr. Felix von OppenFachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
Start of initial sponsorship01/11/1996


1996Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme
2016Georg Forster Research Award Programme

Nominator's project description

Professor Liliana del Carmen Arrachea is an accomplished theoretical physicist working in the field of strongly correlated electron systems and mesoscopic physics. She is particularly well known for her work on heat transport in nanoscale electronic systems. In addition to her research, she is very involved in improving the research infrastructure in Argentina, most recently as deputy director of the newly established International Center for Advanced Studies in Buenos Aires. During her visit to Germany, she is planning to continue and extend her collaboration with scientists at the Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems at Freie Universtät Berlin.

Publications (partial selection)

2005Liliana Arrachea and Leticia F Cugliandolo: Study of a fluctuation-dissipation relation of a dissipative driven mesoscopic system . In: EUROPHYSICS LETTERS, 2005, 642-648
2005Liliana Arrachea: Green-function approach to transport phenomena in quantum pumps . In: Physical Review B, 2005, 125349-1-125349-11
2005Liliana Arrachea and Marcelo J. Rozenberg Quantum Monte Carlo method for models of molecular nanodevices . In: Physical Review B, 2005, 041301-1-041301-4
2005Liliana Arrachea and Marcelo J. Rozenberg: Quantum magnets with anisotropic infinite range random interactions . In: BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY , 2005, 135-138
2005Liliana Arrachea and Drazen Zanchi: U-J synergy effect for high Tc superconductors. In: Physical Review B, 2005, 064519-1-064519-12
2004Liliana Arrachea, Luca Capriotti, and Sandro Sorella From the triangular to the kagome lattice: Following the footprints of the ordered state . In: Physical Review B, 2004, 224414-1-224414-9
2004Liliana Arrachea: dc response of a dissipative driven mesoscopic ring . In: Physical Review B, 2004, 155407-1-155407-10
2003Liliana Arrachea: Transport properties of a mesoscopic metallic loop connected to leads. In: The European Physical Journal B, 2003, 253-262