Prof. Dr. Maosheng Zheng


Academic positionFull Professor
Research fieldsThermodynamics and Kinetics, the Properties of Phases and Structure of Materials,Energy Process Engineering,Materials Engineering
KeywordsEnergy Technology, Metal Physics, Materials Engineering, Fracture, Damage & Fatigue, Energy Resource Materials

Current contact address

CountryPeople's Republic of China
InstitutionNorthwest University
InstituteChemical Engineering School, Institute for Energy Transmission Technology & Application

Host during sponsorship

Prof. Dr. Meinhard KunaFakultät für Machinenbau, Verfahrens- und Energietechnik, Institut für Mechanik und Maschinenelemente, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg
Start of initial sponsorship01/06/1999


1998Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme

Publications (partial selection)

2015LK Ji, Maosheng Zheng: Apparent strain of a pipe at plastic bending buckling state. In: Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering , 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s40430-014-0302-4
2014Maosheng Zheng: Assessment of fatigue damage accumulation in natural material - Seashell . In: Materials Science An Indian Journal. , 2014, 256-259
2014Maosheng Zheng: Changes of Endothermic Peak of Expanded Graphite Based Chemical Heat Storage Materials CaxZny(OH)2(x+y). In: Applied Mechanics and Materials , 2014, 4731-4734
2014Maosheng Zheng: Effect of blade installation angle on power efficiency of resistance type VAWT by CFD study. In: International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering , 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s40095-014-0142-0
2014Yusheng Li, Maosheng Zheng: Numerical simulation of 5-blade resistance type vertical axis wind turbines. In: Chemical Engineering (China) , 2014, 51-55
2014Maosheng Zheng: Preparation of High Entropy Alloy Thin Film FeNiCoBiMn By Electroplating Deposition Method. In: Material Science An Indian Journal., 2014,
2014Jun Hu, Maosheng Zheng: Synthetizing the expanded graphite based CaxZny(OH)2(x+y): A nanocomposite solar chemical storage material by coprecipitation . In: Chinese Science Bulletin , 2014,
2014Jun, Hu, Maosheng Zheng: The probabilistic life time prediction model of oil pipeline due to local corrosion crack . In: Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics , 2014,
2013Maosheng Zheng: Influence of Stress Wave on Evaluating Crack Arrest Toughness of High Grade Pipeline Steel . In: Welded Pipe and Tube., 2013, 5-10
2013Jie Yu, Maosheng Zheng: Solvent effect on antioxidant activity of Chinese ginger extracts to fats and oils . In: Natural Products an Indian journal., 2013, 209-212
2012Hongxiang Chen, Huizhen Lu, Yu Zhou,M Zheng: Study on thermal properties of polyurethane nanocomposites based on organo-sepiolite . In: Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2012, 242-247
2011Hongxiang Chen, Danlin Zeng, Xiaoqin Xiao, Maosheng Zheng, Changmei Ke, Yanjun Li: Influence of organic modification on the structure and properties of polyurethane/sepiolite nanocomposites. In: Materials Science and Engineering A , 2011, 1656-1661
2010M. Zheng, M.X. Tong, H.P. Cai, C.Z. Xu, M.Q. Huang: Fatigue crack initiation life of fine grain brass H62 . In: Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2010, 105-109
2010M Zheng, L Li, Q Zhao, X Zhang: Influence of Heat Treatment on Corrosion Resistance of X80 Steel. In: Welded Pipe & Tube, 2010, 12-17
2009J. Gao, M. Zheng: Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Rubidium Lanthanum Borate Rb3La3(BO3)4, . In: Chinese J. Struct. Chem, 2009, 82-86
2008Y.N. Zhang, J.L. Zi, M.S. Zheng, J.W. Zhu: Corrosion behavior of copper with minor alloying addition in chloride solution . In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 2008, 240-243
2008Changzheng Xu, Qingjuan Wang, Maosheng Zheng, Jindou Li, Meiquan Huang: Fatigue behavior and damage characteristic of ultra-fine grain low-purity copper processed by equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP). In: Materials Science and Engineering: A , 2008, 249-256
2008Q.J. Wang, C.Z. Xu, M.S. Zheng, J.W. Zhu, Z.Z. Du : Fatigue crack initiation life prediction of ultra-fine grain chromium¿bronze prepared by equal-channel angular pressing . In: Materials Science and Engineering: A, , 2008, 434-438
2008Xiulin Zheng, Hong Wang, Maosheng Zheng, Fenghui Wang: Notch Strength & Notch Sencitivity of Materials. Science Press, 2008
2008G. Li, Y.R. Feng, Z.Q. Bai, J.W. Zhu, M.S. Zheng : Photo-electrochemical analysis of passive film formed on X80 pipeline steel in bicarbonate/carbonate buffer solution . In: Applied Surface Science, 2008, 2837-2843
2007D.G. Li, Y.R. Feng, Z.Q. Bai, M.S. Zheng: Characteristics of CO2 corrosion scale formed on N80 steel in stratum water with saturated CO2. In: Applied Surface Science , 2007, 8371-8376
2007 Hongxiang Chen, Maosheng Zheng, Hongying Sun, Qingming Jia : Characterization and properties of sepiolite/polyurethane nanocomposites . In: Materials Science and Engineering: A,, 2007, 725-730
2007Q.M. Jia, M. Zheng, Y.C. Zhu, J.B. Li, C.Z. Xu: Effects of organophilic montmorillonite on hydrogen bonding, free volume and glass transition temperature of epoxy resin/polyurethane interpenetrating polymer networks . In: European Polymer Journal, 2007, 35-42
2007C.Z. Xu, Q.J. Wang, M.S. Zheng, J.W. Zhu, J.D. Li, M.Q. Huang, Q.M. Jia, Z.Z. Du: Microstructure and properties of ultra-fine grain Cu¿Cr alloy prepared by equal-channel angular pressing. In: Materials Science and Engineering: A , 2007, 303-308
2006S.G. Jia, M.S. Zheng, P. Liu, F.Z. Ren, B.H. Tian, G.S. Zhou, H.F. Lo: Aging properties studies in a Cu¿Ag¿Cr Alloy . In: Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2006, 8-11
2006Guanfa Lin, Genshu Zhou, Dangguo Li, Maosheng Zheng: Effect of Cerium on Gas Evolution Behavior of Pb-Ca-Sn Alloy . In: Journal of Rare Earths, 2006, 232-237
2006J.H. Luo, M. Zheng, X.W. Zhao, C.Y. Huo, L. Yang: Simplified expression for estimating release rate of hazardous gas from a hole on high-pressure pipelines . In: Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2006, 362-366
2005M. Zheng, J.H. Luo, X.W. Zhao, Z.Q. Bai, R. Wang: Effect of pre-deformation on the fatigue crack initiation life of X60 pipeline steel. In: International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2005, 546--552
2004M. Zheng, J. H. Luo, X. W. Zhao, G. Zhou, H. L. Li: Modified expression for estimating the limit bending moment of local corroded pipeline . In: International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2004, 725-729
2001Maosheng Zheng, G. Zhou, D.A. Zacharopoulos, M. Kuna: Crack initiation behavior in StE690 Steel characterized by strain energy density criterion. In: Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2001, 141-145
2001Maosheng Zheng, Suyitno, L. Katgerman: On Transport Phenomena And Hot Tearing Criteria In DC Casting Of Aluminium Alloys. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Riso International Symposium on Materials Science, 2001, 455-460
2000Maosheng Zheng, U. Lauschke, M. Kuna: A damage mechanics based approach for fracture of metallic components. In: Computational Materials Science, 2000, 170-178
1999Maosheng Zheng, Y.J. Su, G. Zhou: Damage model for flexural strength variation of ferroelectric materials induced by electric field. In: Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 1999, 137-145
1999Maosheng Zheng, Y.J. Su, L.Q. Chen, T.Y. Zhang: Frictional effects of inerface bonding energy in blister testing. In: Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 1999, 75-80