2007 | Esteban Anoardo, Rainer Kimmich: Field-cycling NMR detection of magnetoacoustically manipulated nematic ordered states: memory effects.. In: Chemical Physics Letters, 2007, 352-356 |
2006 | Esteban Anoardo, Fernando Bonetto: Acoustically Stimulated NMR Relaxometry: application to the study of molecular dynamics in liquid crystalline materials. In: Graham A. Webb, Modern Magnetic Resonance. Springer, 2006. 1419-1424 |
2004 | Rainer Kimmich, Esteban Anoardo: Field-cycling NMR relaxometry. In: Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, 2004, 257-320 |
2004 | Fernando Bonetto, Esteban Anoardo: Proton field-cycling nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry in the smectic A mesophase of thermotropic cyanobiphenyls: effects of sonication.. In: Journal of Chemical Physics, 2004, 554-561 |
2004 | Esteban Anoardo, Farida Grinberg, Mika Vilfan, Rainer Kimmich: Proton spin-lattice relaxation in a liquid crystal-Aerosil complex above the bulk isotropization temperature. In: Chemical Physics, 2004, 99-110 |
2004 | Carlos Mattea, Nail Fatkullin, Elmar Fischer, Uwe Beginn, Esteban Anoardo, Margarita Kroutieva, Rainer Kimmich: The 'Corset Effect' of Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Polymer Melts Confined in Nanoporous Media.. In: Applied Magnetic Resonance, 2004, 371-381 |
2003 | Esteban Anoardo, Fernando Bonetto, Rainer Kimmich: Apparent low-field dispersion in the smectic-A mesophase of thermotropic cyanobiphenyls. In: Physical Review E, 2003, 1-4 |
2003 | Farida Grinberg, Mika Vilfan, Esteban Anoardo: Low-frequency NMR relaxometry of spatially constrained liquid crystals. In: E. Burnell, C. A. de Lange, NMR of ordered liquids. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. 375-398 |
2003 | Fernando Bonetto, Esteban Anoardo and Rainer Kimmich: Ultrasound-order director fluctuations interaction in nematic liquid crystals: a nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry study.. In: Journal of Chemical Physics, 2003, 9037-9043 |
2002 | Fernando Bonetto, Esteban Anoardo, Rainer Kimmich: Enhancement of order fluctuations in a nematic liquid crystal by sonication. In: Chemical Physics Letters, 2002, 237-244 |