2019 | High Clostridium difficile contamination rates of domestic and imported potatoes
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2018 | Oren A, Rupnik M.: Clostridium difficile and Clostridioides difficile: Two validly published and correct names.. In: Anaerobe, 2018, 125-126 |
2018 | Horvat S, Rupnik M.: Interactions Between Clostridioides difficile and Fecal Microbiota in in Vitro Batch Model: Growth, Sporulation, and Microbiota Changes.
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2018 | Bletz S, Janezic S, Harmsen D, Rupnik M, Mellmann A. Defining and Evaluating a Core Genome Multilocus Sequence Typing Scheme for Genome-Wide Typing of Clostridium difficile.. In: J Clin Microbiol, 2018, |
2018 | Mahnic A, Rupnik M. Different host factors are associated with patterns in bacterial and fungal gut microbiota in Slovenian healthy cohort. . In: PLoS One., 2018, e0209209 |
2018 | Rodriguez Diaz C, Seyboldt C, Rupnik M. Non-human C. difficile Reservoirs and
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2018 | Seugendo M, Janssen I, Lang V, Hasibuan I, Bohne W, Cooper P, Daniel R, Gunka
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2018 | Knetsch CW, Kumar N, Forster SC, Connor TR, Browne HP, Harmanus C, Sanders
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2017 | Horvat S, Mahnic A, Breskvar M, Dzeroski S, Rupnik M. Evaluating the effect of Clostridium difficile conditioned medium on fecal microbiota community structure.
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2017 | Golle A, Janezic S, Rupnik M. Low overlap between carbapenem resistant
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2016 | Tr?ek J, Mahni? A, Rupnik M.: Diversity of the microbiota involved in wine and organic apple cider submerged vinegar production as revealed by DHPLC analysis
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2016 | Janssen I, Cooper P, Gunka K, Rupnik M, Wetzel D, Zimmermann O, Groß U.: High prevalence of nontoxigenic Clostridium difficile isolated from hospitalized and non-hospitalized individuals in rural Ghana. . In: Int J Med Microbiol., 2016, 652-656 |
2016 | Rupnik M, Janezic S. An Update on Clostridium difficile Toxinotyping. . In: J Clin
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2016 | Janezic S, Potocnik M, Zidaric V, Rupnik M. Highly Divergent Clostridium difficile Strains Isolated from the Environment. 2016 Nov
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2016 | Bandelj P, Blagus R, Briski F, Frlic O, Vergles Rataj A, Rupnik M, Ocepek M,
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2016 | Distribution of Clostridium difficile PCR ribotypes and
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2016 | Zidaric V, Rupnik M. Sporulation properties and antimicrobial susceptibility in endemic and rare Clostridium difficile PCR ribotypes. . In: Anaerobe. , 2016, 183-188 |
2015 | Janezic S, Marín M, Martín A, Rupnik M.: A new type of toxin A-negative, toxin
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2015 | Dermota U, Mueller-Premru M, vent-Ku?ina N, Petrovi? , Ribi? H, Rupnik M,
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2015 | Dermota U, Zdovc I, Strumbelj I, Grmek-Kosnik I, Ribic H, Rupnik M, Golob M,
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2015 | Janezic S, Rupnik M. Genomic diversity of Clostridium difficile strains. . In: Res
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2015 | Walter BM, Cartman ST, Minton NP, Butala M, Rupnik M.: The SOS Response Master
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2015 | Rupnik M. Toward a true bacteriotherapy for Clostridium difficile infection. . In: N
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2014 | Gerding DN, Johnson S, Rupnik M, Aktories K.: Clostridium difficile binary toxin CDT: mechanism, epidemiology, and potential clinical importance.. In: Gut Microbes, 2014, 15-27 |
2014 | Janezic S, Zidaric V, Pardon B, Indra A, Kokotovic B, Blanco JL, Seyboldt C,
Diaz CR, Poxton IR, Perreten V, Drigo I, Jiraskova A, Ocepek M, Weese JS, Songer
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2014 | Walter BM, Rupnik M, Hodnik V, Anderluh G, Dupuy B, Pauli? N, gur-Bertok D,
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2014 | Davies KA, Longshaw CM, Davis GL, Bouza E, Barbut F, Barna Z, Delmée M,
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2009 | Rupnik M, Wilcox MH, Gerding DN.: Clostridium difficile infection: new
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2006 | Maja Rupnik, Ingo Just: Large clostridial cytotoxins modifying small GTPases. In: Alouf, J., Popoff, M., The comprehensive sourcebook of bacterial protein toxins. 3rd ed.. Academic Press, 2006. 409-429 |
2005 | Maja Rupnik, Stefan Pabst, Marjan Rupnik, Christoph von Eichel-Streiber, Henning Urlaub, Hand-Dieter Soeling Characterization of the cleavage site and function of resulting cleavage fragments after limited proteolysis of Clostridium difficile toxin B (TcdB) by host cells. In: Microbiology
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