Prof. Dr. Quanzhong Zhao


Academic positionFull Professor
Research fieldsAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics, Laser Physics
KeywordsUltrashort pulsed laser, laser material processing, photonic device

Current contact address

CountryPeople's Republic of China
InstitutionChinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
InstituteShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics

Host during sponsorship

Prof. Dr. Lijun WangLehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen
Start of initial sponsorship01/09/2006


2006Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme

Publications (partial selection)

2007Q. Z. Zhao, F. Ciobanu, S. Malzer, and L. J. Wang: Enhancement of optical absorption and photocurrent of 6H-SiC by laser surface nanostructuring. In: Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 121107-1-121107-3
2007Q. Z. Zhao, S. Malzer, and L. J. Wang : Formation of subwavelength periodic structures on tungsten induced by ultrashort laser pulses. In: Optics Letters, 2007, 1932-1934
2007Q. Z. Zhao, S. Malzer, and L. J. Wang: Self-organized tungsten nanospikes grown on subwavelength ripples induced by femtosecond laser pulses. In: Optics Express, 2007, 15741-15746