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Academic position | Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Reader |
Research fields | Surface Physics |
Keywords | STM, metallic-organic molecule, surface diffusion, diffusion mechanism, long jumps |
Current contact address
Country | Poland |
City | Wroclaw |
Institution | University of Wroclaw |
Institute | Institute of Experimental Physics |
Host during sponsorship
Prof. Dr. Karina Morgenstern | Institut für Festkörperphysik, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover |
Prof. Dr. Karina Morgenstern | Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie I, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum |
Start of initial sponsorship | 01/12/2008 |
2008 | Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme for Experienced Researchers |
Publications (partial selection)
2017 | Gra?yna Antczak, Konrad Boom, Karina Morgenstern Revealing the presence of mobile molecules on the surface. In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 542-549 |
2015 | Grażyna Antczak, Wojciech Kamiński, Agata Sabik, Chistopher Zaum, Karina Morgenstern: Complex surface diffusion mechanisms of cobalt phthalocyanine molecules on Ag(100). In: Journal of American Chemical Society , 2015, 14920-14929 |
2015 | Grażyna Antczak, Wojciech Kamiński, Karina Morgenstern: Stabilizing CuPc Coordination Networks on Ag(100) by Ag Atoms. In: J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 1442-1450 |