Prof. Dr. Anthony Zee


Academic positionFull Professor
Research fieldsTheoretical Physics
Keywordsquantum field theory, high energy physics, cosmology, mathematical physics

Current contact address

CountryUnited States of America
CitySanta Barbara
InstitutionUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
InstituteKavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP)

Host during sponsorship

Prof. Dr. Viatcheslav MukhanovSektion Physik - Theoretische Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), München
Start of initial sponsorship01/07/2011


2010Humboldt Research Award Programme

Nominator's project description

Professor Anthony Zee is well-known internationally for his outstanding research in quantum field theory, high energy physics and solid state physics. He has made important contributions to the fields of matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe, renormalization group in gauge theories, random matrix theory, fractional statistics and anyon superconductivity. During his stay in Germany, he intends to elaborate on the problems of Dark Energy and physics of the early Universe.