Dr. Fu-Yun Zhao


Academic positionFull Professor
Research fieldsFluid Mechanics,Energy Process Engineering,Construction Material Sciences, Chemistry, Physics
Keywordsbuilt environment and urban climate, inverse computational fluid dynamics, sustainable building energy and management, numerical heat transfer and fluid flow, building physics

Current contact address

CountryPeople's Republic of China
InstitutionWuhan University
InstituteSchool of Power and Mechanical Engineering

Host during sponsorship

Prof. Dr. Ernst RankLehrstuhl für Computation in Engineering, Technische Universität München, München
Start of initial sponsorship01/06/2011


2010Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme for Postdocs

Publications (partial selection)

2012Fu-Yun Zhao*, Ernst Rank, etc.: Dual steady transports of heat and moisture in a vent enclosure with all round states of ambient air. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 6979-6993
2012Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Han-Qing Wang, Ernst Rank. Turbulent transport of airborne pollutants in a residential room with a novel air conditioning unit. In: International Journal of Refrigeration, 2012, 1455-1472