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Academic position | Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Reader |
Research fields | Astrophysics and Astronomy |
Keywords | gravitational wave sources, radiative transfer, Supernovae and transient objects, spectral analysis algorithms, observational cosmology |
Current contact address
Country | Germany |
City | Garching |
Institution | Europäische Südsternwarte (ESO) |
Institute | Office for Science |
Host during sponsorship
Prof. Dr. Bruno Leibundgut | Office for Science, Europäische Südsternwarte (ESO), Garching |
Start of initial sponsorship | 01/01/2023 |
2022 | Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award Programme |
Nominator's project description
Dr. Blondin is internationally recognized for his seminal contributions to the physics of stellar explosions and their use in cosmology. He demonstrated how cosmic time dilation, a prediction of General Relativity, works in the evolution of very distant supernovae. Dr. Blondin also provides deep insight into stellar thermonuclear explosions and how light emerges from these cosmic cauldrons. In Germany, he contributes to a project to measure the cosmic expansion rate with supernovae |