Dr. Shuan Karim


Academic positionLecturer, Assistant Professor, Researcher
Research fieldsIndividual Linguistics,Historical Linguistics
KeywordsLanguage Documentation, Gorani, Historical Linguistics, Shabaki, Iranian Languages

Current contact address

CityFrankfurt am Main
InstitutionGoethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
InstituteInstitut für Empirische Sprachwissenschaft

Host during sponsorship

Prof. Dr. Daniel KölliganLehrstuhl für Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Würzburg
Prof. Dr. Saloumeh GholamiInstitut für Empirische Sprachwissenschaft, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main
Start of initial sponsorship01/12/2024


2023Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme for Postdocs

Publications (partial selection)

2023Karim, Shuan Osman: Ezafe and the Article. In: Karimi, Simin, Narges Nematollahi, Roya Kabiri and Jian Gang Ngui, Advances in Iranian Linguistics II. John Benjamins, 2023. 130–153
2022Karim, Shuan Osman: Akkadian [e]. In: Journal of the American Oriental Society, 142, 2022, 177-191
2022Karim, Shuan Osman and Ali Salehi: An applicative analysis of Soranî “absolute prepositions”. In: Sara Pacchiarotti and Fernando Zúñiga, Neglected syntactic functions and non-syntactic functions of Applicative Morphology. De Gruyter Mouton, 2022. 263-298
2021Karim, Shuan Osman: The heuristic of Economy and Proto-Iranian stop clusters. In: Chatreššar, 2, 2021, 5-18
2021Karim, Shuan Osman: The synchrony and diachrony of New Western Iranian nominal morphosyntax. The Ohio State University, 2021
2019Elsner, Micha, Andrea D. Sims, Alexander Erdmann, Antonio Hernandez, Evan Ja e, Lifeng Jin, Martha Booker Johnson, Shuan Osman Karim, David L. King, Luana Lamberti Nunes, Byung-Doh Oh, Nathan Rasmussen, Cory Shain, Stephanie Antetomaso, Kendra V. Dickinson, Noah Diewald, Michelle McKenzie, and Symon Stevens-Guille: Modeling morphological learning, typology, and change: What can the neural sequence-to-sequence framework contribute?. In: Journal of Language Modelling, 7, 2019, 126-170