2023 | Karim, Shuan Osman: Ezafe and the Article. In: Karimi, Simin, Narges Nematollahi, Roya Kabiri and Jian Gang Ngui, Advances in Iranian Linguistics II. John Benjamins, 2023. 130–153 |
2022 | Karim, Shuan Osman: Akkadian [e]. In: Journal of the American Oriental Society, 142, 2022, 177-191 |
2022 | Karim, Shuan Osman and Ali Salehi: An applicative analysis of Soranî “absolute prepositions”. In: Sara Pacchiarotti and Fernando Zúñiga, Neglected syntactic functions and non-syntactic functions of Applicative Morphology. De Gruyter Mouton, 2022. 263-298 |
2021 | Karim, Shuan Osman: The heuristic of Economy and Proto-Iranian stop clusters. In: Chatreššar, 2, 2021, 5-18 |
2021 | Karim, Shuan Osman: The synchrony and diachrony of New Western Iranian nominal morphosyntax. The Ohio State University, 2021 |
2019 | Elsner, Micha, Andrea D. Sims, Alexander Erdmann, Antonio Hernandez, Evan Ja e, Lifeng Jin, Martha Booker Johnson, Shuan Osman Karim, David L. King, Luana Lamberti Nunes, Byung-Doh Oh, Nathan Rasmussen, Cory Shain, Stephanie Antetomaso, Kendra V. Dickinson, Noah Diewald, Michelle McKenzie, and Symon Stevens-Guille: Modeling morphological learning, typology, and change: What can the neural sequence-to-sequence framework contribute?. In: Journal of Language Modelling, 7, 2019, 126-170 |