Su Wu


Academic positionCurrently without academic position
Research fieldsArchitecture, Building and Construction History, Building Research, Resource Economics in Civil Engineering
KeywordsCollective community building, Cross-border collaboration, Social inclusiveness, Participatory urban design, Inclusive urban development
Honours and awards

2017: Honorable Mention in International Architecture Competition “Modern Collective Living Challenge” organized by Buildner

2016: Erasmus+ programme scholarship 2015-2016 at Stuttgart Technology University of Applied Sciences

2013: Full scholarship from the Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education of Emilia Romagna 2013/2014/2015/2016/2017

2009: China National Scholarship for Undergraduate Excellence 2009/2010/2011

Current contact address

InstitutionCarl Duisberg Centren

Host during sponsorship

Dr. habil. Laura ColiniTesserae Urban Social Research, Colini_Tripodi GBR, Berlin


2024German Chancellor Fellowship Programme for prospective leaders from the People's Republic of China