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Academic position | Currently without academic position |
Research fields | Sociological Theory,Government, Political Systems |
Keywords | Political Inclusion, Participatory Democracy, Deliberative Democracy, Democratic Innovations, Marginalized Groups |
Honours and awards | 2022: First place in the Lice Prize for Academic Articles at the National Meeting in the Public Field |
Current contact address
Country | Germany |
City | Berlin |
Institution | Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin |
Institute | Fachbereich 3: Allgemeine Verwaltung |
Host during sponsorship
Prof. Dr. Carolin Hagelskamp | Fachbereich 3: Allgemeine Verwaltung, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin, Berlin |
Start of initial sponsorship | 01/10/2024 |
2024 | German Chancellor Fellowship Programme for prospective leaders from Brazil |