Dr. Elena Blundo


Academic positionPost Doc
Research fieldsSemiconductor Physics
Keywords2D materials, defects, telecom, heterostructures, quantum emitters
Honours and awards

2024: Applied Sciences 2023 Best PhD Thesis Award

2024: Con.Scienze Italian national prize for Best PhD Thesis in Physics in 2023

2024: European Magnetic Field Laboratory Prize

2024: "Panizza and Galimberti" Prize by the Italian Physics Society

2024: Quantum Reports 2023 Best PhD Thesis Award

2022: ’Graphene 2022’ conference Travel Grant

2022: Materials 2022 Travel Award

2022: Nano Letters Seed Grant

2022: Nanomaterials 2022 Travel Award

2021: Prize "Michele Cantone" for young graduated students by the Italian Physics Society

2019: Prize for best oral communication at the 105◦ national conference (Physics of Matter section) by the Italian Physics Society

Current contact address


Host during sponsorship

Prof. Dr. Jonathan J. FinleyAbteilung für Physik, Technische Universität München, Garching


2024Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme for Postdocs