Dr. Francesco Binotto


Academic positionPost Doc
Research fieldsHistory of Philosophy
KeywordsFree will, Necessity, Contingency, Hervaeus Natalis, Causal Determinism
Honours and awards

2024: Small Research Grant for International Researchers (University of Notre Dame, USA)

2023: One-to-One Stipend funded by SIEPM (Société Internationale pour l'Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale): a stipend to support junior individual researchers to visit and work with senior individual researchers

2022: Marco Arosio Award (ex aequo)

Current contact address

InstitutionUniversita degli Studi di Parma
InstituteDipartimento di Filosofia

Host during sponsorship

Prof. Dr. Stephan SchmidPhilosophisches Seminar, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg


2024Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme for Postdocs