HUMBOLDT4UKRAINE: Online Networking Forum


Format: Online | Language: English

Register here by 1 October 2023, if you wish to participate in the Online Networking Forum.

Ukraine-Flagge und zwei sich umarmende Hände.

Since the outbreak of the brutal war waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has been supporting almost 150 Ukrainian researchers who found academic shelter in Germany or continue working in Ukraine. Moreover, as a member of the EU-funded MSCA4Ukraine Consortium we enable 125 MSCA4Ukraine fellows to continue their research in 21 countries in Europe. However, many of the diverse emergency support programmes rolled out by different funding organisations and universities are now expiring. Thus, it is imperative to develop a more systemic, coordinated, and long-term approach to provide sustainable support both to the displaced researchers and to the Ukrainian science system as a whole.

We invite all Ukrainian researchers currently working in Germany, Ukraine and elsewhere, as well as members of the broader academic community, to join us for a digital networking forum.

Saturn-ähnliches Dekortationsbild


Division Europe
Division Philipp Schwartz Initiative and Academic Freedom
MSCA4Ukraine Team

Dr Oksana Seumenicht
Email: msca4ukraine-events[at]
Phone: +49 228 833-577

We would like to hear from those directly affected and discuss how Ukrainian researchers and science in Ukraine can be best supported. We shall also explore what factors will influence the decision of displaced researchers to return to Ukraine, when it is safe to do so, and how they can potentially contribute to the strengthening of the Ukrainian higher education and research sector. A summary of the discussion is intended to inform the research funding organisations and other decision-makers on establishing future effective longer-term funding and collaboration formats. This meeting will also give you the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with other researchers in and from Ukraine.

We are looking forward to virtually meet many of you soon!

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