Information event Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship


Conduct research abroad through the Humboldt Foundation – as a visiting researcher with members of the worldwide Humboldt Network!

Kompassnadel mit internationalen Städtenamen - Symbolbild Feodor-Lynen-Stipendium

Are you currently doing research in Germany and would like to get a postdoc position abroad or go on a sabbatical? The Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship will finance your research stay with members of the Humboldt Network abroad for a period of six to 24 months. And not just immediately after your PhD either, but also later in your career, up to 12 years after you complete your doctorate! Moreover, we may also offer substantial support for members of your family who accompany you.

Or are you already a member of the Humboldt Network abroad, established at a research institution outside of Germany and looking to internationalise your professional contacts or research group? Then you can host future Feodor Lynen Fellows and support them in carrying out their research projects at your institute!

Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship Programme website 

Humboldt Discoveries is a series of events offering potential sponsorship recipients, hosts and those interested the opportunity to get specific information about the Humboldt Foundation’s various programmes. Proven experts present the respective programmes and answer questions. Current sponsorship recipients and alumni report on their experiences.

Illustration zwei Frauen und ein Mann schauen mit Fernglas und Lupe in unterschiedliche Richtungen
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