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updated on 1 July 2020
The world has been occupied with addressing the coronavirus crisis for months now. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s network with more than 30,000 researchers in all disciplines from around the world has also been working at full speed on this. In the course of video interviews, the Humboldt Foundation has asked experts from its network about their research on Covid-19.
How might the future look after Covid-19?
How is their work helping efforts to deal with the coronavirus crisis? How important are collaborative international research projects in this connection? And how might the future look after Covid-19? In short video interviews, the interviewees offer insights into their research. They look at the pandemic and its effects from the standpoint of a wide range of disciplines such as virology, sociology, psychology and legal studies.
The experts interviewed for this series include the legal expert Katharina Pistor, the sociologist Eva Illouz and the Humboldt Professors Guus Rimmelzwaan (virology) and Jens Meiler (bioinformatics). The interviews are also available on the Humboldt Foundation’s YouTube-channel. New interviews will be added on an ongoing basis.
The series of interviews is part of the #ResearchAcrossBorders campaign that the Humboldt Foundation launched back in April. In addition to these interviews, the Humboldt Foundation is gathering statements at #ResearchAcrossBorders which make the case for international research collaboration, scientific exchange, trust and open-mindedness. The Humboldt Foundation is convinced that global problems can be solved only when everyone works together. In this crisis and in the future. To date, numerous Humboldtians plus partners and supporters of the Foundation from the research community and the political sector, including Federal Minister of Education and Research Anja Karliczek and Michelle Müntefering, Minister of State for International Cultural Policy at Germany's Federal Foreign Office, have participated in #ResearchAcrossBorders.
Further information
(press release 11/2020)
Every year, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables more than 2,000 researchers from all over the world to spend time conducting research in Germany. The Foundation maintains an interdisciplinary network of well over 30,000 Humboldtians in more than 140 countries around the world – including 61 Nobel Prize winners.