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Michelle Müntefering, Minister of State at Germany's Federal Foreign Office, will open the Humboldt Colloquium in Madrid where European scientists will discuss the legacy of Alexander von Humboldt from 11 to 13 April.
Alexander von Humboldt was a natural scientist, an adventurer, a networker, a science communicator, and a politically unorthodox thinker: this year the world is celebrating the 250th anniversary of his birth. How relevant is his legacy for today’s scientists and researchers? What can today’s world learn from his visionary convictions? How can Humboldt's ideals be put to use for today's collaborative undertakings and networks?
These questions will take centre stage at the interdisciplinary colloquium "Research without Borders - Alexander von Humboldt’s Legacy Today”, to which the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has invited nearly 300 young scientists, alumni of the Foundation and guests from Spain, Portugal, France and the Benelux countries. The conference will be held in Madrid at the Philosophical Faculty of Universidad Complutense and at Hotel Meliá Avenida América.
Michelle Müntefering, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, will open the conference together with the president of the Humboldt Foundation, Hans-Christian Pape.
Journalists are cordially invited to attend. It is permitted to film, photograph and make audio recordings. To register to attend, please contact presse[at]avh.de.
Opening: Thursday, 11 April
Date: 5:00 p.m.
Venue: Universidad Complutense, Facultad de Filología, Paraninfo, Plaza de Menéndez Pelayo 1, 28040 Madrid
Friday, 12 April
Date: 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Venue: Hotel Meliá Avenida América, Calle de Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena 36, 28027 Madrid
Saturday, 13 April
Date: 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Venue: Hotel Meliá Avenida América, Calle de Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena 36, 28027 Madrid
Today, more than 2,000 alumni of the Humboldt Foundation live in Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg. Many of them hold key positions at universities, research institutes and other institutions. The aim of these events with their interdisciplinary workshops and presentations is to bring Humboldtians into contact with one another and with German colleagues. These colloquia also provide an opportunity to draw the attention of junior researchers to the Humboldt Foundation’s sponsorship portfolio and to Germany as a location for conducting research.
Every year, the Humboldt Foundation organises two major colloquia abroad to which all the alumni from the respective country or region are invited. The colloquium in Madrid is being held in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Further information
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Every year, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables more than 2,000 researchers from all over the world to spend time conducting research in Germany. The Foundation maintains a network of well over 29,000 Humboldtians from all disciplines in more than 140 countries worldwide – including 55 Nobel Laureates.