Head of Division Anika Mertens Organisation and Internal Service anika.mertens[at]avh.de +49 228 833-521
Head of Division, Deputy Head of Dep. Tino Eichler Financial Management & Travel Management tino.eichler[at]avh.de +49 228 833-200
Group Leader Claudia Rohrschneider Budget; Programme management claudia.rohrschneider[at]avh.de +49 228 833-524
Group Leader Andreas Lethert Financial accounting; Assets; Travel Management andreas.lethert[at]avh.de +49 228 833-167
Programme Director, Deputy Head of Div. Florian Stieghorst Information Technology florian.stieghorst[at]avh.de +49 228 833-496
Group Leader Ulla Hecken Digitisation of the Application & Sponsorship Processes ulla.hecken[at]avh.de +49 228 833-225