Science Media Center

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Press, Communications and Marketing
Tel.: +49 228 833-144
Fax: +49 228 833-441

Collaboration between the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Science Media Center Germany

The Science Media Center Germany (SMC) aims to encourage and enhance public debate on scientific topics through independent, quality-based science journalism. To this end, it bundles information for journalists on current, socially-relevant scientific issues and delivers expertise provided by selected researchers.


[Translate to English:] Kooperationspartner der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung: Science Media Center Germany

In October 2016, the Humboldt Foundation became one of SMC’s partners. In our network of more than 40,000 researchers at home and abroad we promote SMC’s work and encourage members to offer their expert knowledge in response to questions from SMC. Members of the Humboldt Network who register with SMC are entitled to take part in its information events which cover topics such as how to deal professionally with the media and media representatives as well as providing insights into how journalists choose their topics and organise their daily work.

Together with twelve other institutions, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has also become a founder member of the “Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Science Media Center Germany gGmbH”. The mission of the association, which was founded in Heidelberg on 22 November 2016, is to strengthen SMC’s independence both in relation to content and financing.