Scholars at Risk Network - Germany Section

The German Section of the global Scholars at Risk Network is composed of German universities, research institutions and science organisations that campaign to support and offer sanctuary to researchers under threat as well as to protect academic freedom.

Saturn-ähnliches Dekortationsbild


SAR Germany Section – Secretariat

Senior Programme Coordinator Philipp Schwartz Initiative
Katja Machacsek
Phone: +49 (0)228 833 182

Programme Director Inspireurope+
Dr. Maike Didero

Head of Division Philipp Schwartz Initiative and Academic Freedom
Frank Albrecht


The German section of the Scholars at Risk Network (for short: SAR Germany Section) was established under the auspices of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation on 20 September 2016 in Bonn. The SAR Germany Section organises, amongst other things, a series of events, all with the aim of promoting sustained experience and information sharing on the situation of endangered researchers in Germany and beyond. Participation in these events is open to all interested universities and research institutions.

The members of the SAR Germany Section

All institutions in Germany that have registered with the Scholars at Risk Network also belong to the SAR Germany Section. Until 31 March 2025, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has taken on the role of central contact point for the German Section. German universities and research institutions are invited to become members of the worldwide SAR Network and thus automatically join the SAR Germany Section.

All member institutions of the German network and their respective contact persons can be found in the legend to the map of Germany below. In some federal states there are also regional networks. The SAR Germany Section is assisted by a Steering Committee (PDF) composed of representatives from member institutions of the Section, the German Rectors' Conference, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG) and Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD).

The Scholars at Risk Network in Europe

The activities of the national Scholars at Risk sections in Europe are supported by Scholars at Risk Europe, the European office of the global Scholars at Risk network. SAR Europe is hosted at Maynooth University, Ireland. It coordinates InSPIREurope, an ambitious Europe-wide initiative to support researchers at risk. Partners include the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Collège de France, the European University Association, as well as universitites in Sweden and Greece. InSPIREurope is funded under the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, and will forge a coordinated, cross-sectoral, Europe-wide alliance for researchers at risk. Please find more information on the project here.

The worldwide Scholars at Risk Network

The SAR Germany Section is part of the worldwide Scholars at Risk Network (for short: SAR Network), an international network of more than 500 universities in 38 countries which support researchers under threat. The worldwide SAR Network’s offices in New York can help to arrange placements for endangered researchers at host institutions and to ascertain risk status for the Philipp Schwartz Initiative.

*founding member

RWTH Aachen
Dr. Henriette Finsterbusch
E-Mail: henriette.finsterbusch[at]

U Bayreuth*
Thorsten Parchent
E-Mail: thorsten.parchent[at]

Alice Salomon HS Berlin*
Prof. Dr. Esra Erdem
E-Mail: esra.erdem[at]

Bard College Berlin*
Prof. Dr. Kerry Bystrom
E-Mail: k.bystrom[at]

FU Berlin*
Dr. Stefan Rummel
E-Mail: stefan.rummel[at]

HWR Berlin*
Prof. Dr. Susanne Meyer
E-Mail: susanne.meyer[at]

HU Berlin
Dr. Neda Soltani
E-Mail: neda.soltani[at]

International Psychoanalytic University Berlin*
Carmen Scher
E-Mail: carmen.scher[at]

TU Berlin
Baris Ünal
E-Mail: baris.uenal[at]

Dr. Veronika Thanner
E-Mail: thanner[at]

FH Bielefeld
Judith Peltz
E-Mail: judith.peltz[at]

U Bielefeld*
Dr. Markus Symmank
E-Mail: markus.symmank[at]

RU Bochum*
Iris Vernekohl
E-Mail: iris.vernekohl[at]

U Bonn*
Jessica Greis-Mills

Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig
Dr. Dorothea Hilliger
E-Mail: hochschulleitung[at]

TU Braunschweig
Astrid Sebastian
E-Mail: a.sebastian[at]

U Bremen
Julia Holz
E-Mail: julia.holz[at]

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD)
Dr. Christian Hülshörster
E-Mail: huelshoerster[at]

TU Clausthal
Astrid Abel
E-Mail: Astrid.abel[at]

TU Darmstadt*
Birgit Brandes
E-Mail: psi[at]

TU Dresden*
Natalie Jane Brindle
E-Mail: natalie_jane.brindle[at]

U Düsseldorf
Dr. Sigrun Wegener-Feldbrügge
E-Mail: wegenerf[at]

U Duisburg-Essen*
Petra Günther
E-Mail: welcome[at]

KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Marina Mayer

Europa-U Flensburg
Dr. Isabella Tegethoff
E-Mail: isabella.tegethoff[at]

Europa-U Frankfurt (Oder)
Claudia Casiano-Perez
E-Mail: casiano[at]

U Freiburg
Katharina Aly
E-Mail: katharina.aly[at]

U Gießen
Silvia Boide
E-Mail: silvia.boide[at]

U Göttingen*
Dr. Philipp Jeserich
E-Mail: international[at]

U Greifswald
Prof. Dr. Cordelia Heß
E-Mail: cordelia.hess[at]

FernUni Hagen
Desirée Kampmeier
E-Mail: desiree.kampmeier[at]

U Hamburg*
Kristin Günther
E-Mail: kristin.guenther[at]

U Hannover
Manuela Schimmels
E-Mail: manuela.schimmels[at]

Stiftung (Foundation) U Hildesheim
Dr. Christian Dittmann
E-Mail: christian.dittmann[at]

Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (German Rectors' Conference)
Marijke Wahlers
E-Mail: wahlers[at]
Thomas Böhm
E-Mail: boehm[at]

U Hohenheim
Hans-Peter Letzgus
E-Mail: Hans-Peter.Letzgus[at]

FH Südwestfalen Iserlohn
Dr. Ingrid Thaler
E-Mail: thaler.ingrid[at]

U Jena
Dr. Claudia Hillinger
E-Mail: claudia.hillinger[at]

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology*
Dr. Petra Roth
E-Mail: petra.roth[at]

U Kassel
Dr. Randolf Oberschmidt
E-Mail: oberschmidt[at]

TH Köln
Martina Brüderle
E-Mail: martina.bruederle[at]

U Köln*
Dr. Heike Berner
E-Mail: H.Berner[at]
Sibel Schmidt

U Konstanz
Dr. Johannes Dingler
E-Mail: johannes.dingler[at]

HS Mannheim*
Prof. Dr. Dieter Leonhard
E-Mail: rektor[at]

U Marburg
Petra Kienle
E-Mail:  Kienle[at]

Dr. Michaela Hergersberg
E-Mail: michaela.hergersberg[at]

TU München
Katharina Schumacher
E-Mail: schumacher[at]

FH Münster
Nadine Pantel
E-Mail: nadine.pantel[at]

U Münster
Silke-Maria Homeyer
E-Mail: maria.homeyer[at]

U Erlangen-Nürnberg - International Research Training Group on Equity Gaps in Education
Prof. Dr. Albert Ziegler

U Oldenburg
Jenka Schmidt, Linda Book

U Osnabrück
Dr. Stephanie Schröder
E-Mail: stephanie.schroeder[at]

U Paderborn
Davina Stiller
E-Mail: davina.stiller[at]

U Potsdam
Claudia Rößling
E-Mail: claudia.roessling[at]

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes Saarbrücken
Ulrich Groh
E-Mail: ulrich.groh[at]

U Siegen*
Dr. Nina Fenn
E-Mail: nina.fenn[at]

Hochschule Stralsund
Caroline Neumann

U Tübingen*
Dr. Cornelia-Maria Köhler
E-Mail: cornelia-maria.koehler[at]

U Wuppertal
Andrea Bieck
E-Mail: bieck[at]

SAR Sections are groups of higher education institutions and associations, that are members of the SAR network, nationally or regionally focused and organized specifically to coordinate participation in SAR activities. Unless otherwise indicated, the views represented by a SAR section, its members, or its affiliates reflect those of the originating author or section, and do not necessarily represent the views of SAR, other SAR sections, individual members, affiliates, board, staff, or sponsors. The use of the SAR name, logo, or other identifying material is for the sole purpose of identifying the relationship of the section, its members, or its affiliates with SAR, subject to approval of such use by the SAR board, as provided in the SAR bylaws.