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Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Sponsorship and Network Department
Jean-Paul-Str. 12
53173 Bonn
Research fellows and the family members accompanying them must be covered by health insurance providing adequate coverage in Germany from the very first day and for the entire duration of their visit to Germany. There are two insurance options:
- Private (travel) health insurance covers the cost of medical treatment of acute illnesses not caused by pre-existing health conditions, as well as treatment in the event of an accident.
- Comprehensive private health insurancealso covers the cost of check-ups and treatments for pre-existing health conditions.
Please enquire with your current health insurance provider as to whether they offer an appropriate international option or whether you can suspend your insurance during your stay abroad.
To avoid misunderstandings when communicating with insurance companies, please always clearly state that you are a fellow and not an employee.
We strongly urge you to research this topic well ahead of time, ascertain what level of insurance coverage you need and read the extensive information we provide in our Guidelines (A.2.5 und B.5).
You can find more details below regarding the scope of coverage and the possibility of applying to various insurance providers online:
Private travel health insurance
Private comprehensive health insurance
- International Science HealthCare Plan: FlexMed Global Impat Tariff
- DAAD: Tarif 790/D
- Information Sheet "Subsidy towards the cost of private medical and liability insurance" (PDF, 94 KB)
- Maximum premium rates for calculating the subsidy (from 01.01.2024 flat-rate subsidy for all new contracts - see information sheet) (PDF, 102 KB)
- Form for applying for a subsidy towards the cost of comprehensive health insurance (PDF, 297 KB)