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Nomination for an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship
Are you interested in recruiting a researcher from abroad – who is a world leader in his/her discipline – for your academic institution on a long-term basis? Then nominate him/her for an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship. All German universities are eligible to submit a nomination, as are non-university research institutions in Germany in conjunction with an eligible university. Nominations must be made by the respective university’s rector or president and, if applicable, by the academic directorate or board of directors of the non-university research institution.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of its International Research Fund for Germany, the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship allows researchers to conduct pioneering, long-term research at universities and research institutions in Germany. The award amount is usually €3.5 million for theoretical researchers and €5 million for academics in experimental disciplines, in both cases over a period of five years. Up to ten Alexander von Humboldt Professorships have been granted to researchers from all disciplines every year since 2008.
Please refer to our website or the programme information to find out exactly what is required for a nomination.
How to submit a nomination
At the nominating institution you should agree how the nominee’s future academic work in the relevant research area will have a decisive impact, especially on the following points:
- strengthening the university’s/research institution's internationally competitive unique features
- improving the university’s/research institution’s global ranking to match that of world-leading universities/research institutions
- enhancing the university’s/research institution’s global visibility
- reinforcing Germany’s position as a research location in the long term
It is also important to show how you intend to integrate the award winner into your institution once the Humboldt Foundation sponsorship has ended – e.g. by appointment to a W3 professorship or a directorship. In the event of a joint nomination by multiple institutions, you must set out the plans for collaboration between the institutions as part of your submission, detailing which information comes from which institution. When compiling your nomination, please refer to the information in the online nomination form. This form can be saved at any point to be completed later. Please address all the points listed in the form in detail and, if possible, in the order suggested. We will confirm receipt of your nomination as soon as the documents reach us. Your information will, of course, be treated as strictly confidential.
What we need from you
As soon as we have received your nomination with all the required documents, we will begin the external review process. You must upload the following documents in the online nomination form:
- reasons for the application using this template (DOCX)
- nominee’s list of publications in the last 10 years
- list with five of the nominee’s key publications from his/her entire body of work
- five of the nominee’s key publications
- if applicable: documents from the appointment procedure
- declarations by the nominating university (PDF)
- if applicable: declarations by the co-nominating research institution (PDF)
- declarations by the nominee (PDF)
Further information
Please refer to the Regulations on the Use of Funds for detailed information on the structure of the programme and transparency obligations.
In submitting this nomination and integrating the nominee into your institution, you undertake to
- abide by the Principles of Scientific Ethics
- comply with the Rules of Good Scientific Practice
- observe regulations relating to the prevention of arms-relevant technology transfer
- stay alert to the danger of illegal or undesired knowledge transfer